Real Talk: Do I Feel Safe Looking Asian During Coronavirus Pandemic | Prejudice

Dr. Jen

April 30, 2020

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Every day is a miracle. Every life is a miracle. Looking at life with this perspective let's us see tiny twinkly lights everywhere.

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Is a hello something that we never really missed and now we are finding it again?

I haven’t posted a blog in 3 months. Tonight the Lord put it on my heart to say “Hello” to you guys and so I shall blog and it is feeling great to do so.

Recently, “Hello”s have been flying all throughout the Internet since the Coronavirus pandemic has entered our International community and we are practicing social-distancing.

Our Hellos are broadcasted through Facebook live, Facebook stories, Instagram, Instagram stories, YouTube videos. They are in the form of Italians singing from their windows which have been lifting our spirits here in America, they are in the form of virtual fitness classes, they are in the form of humor, as well as in the form of people keeping in touch with people.

In the past, social media had always been a double-edged sword, causing us to not know how interact on a human level anymore. Isolation & loneliness were on the rise in society as social media started to take over our personal time.

But now…

Social media is bringing us together again.

It seems that in the exact same way social media had taken away our need to say Hello to our neighbors, it is now an essential tool that is helping us say Hello to our neighbors… both near and far.

Fears and anxiety melt away some when we get to reach out and say “Hello”…a virtual hand to hold and that is something beautiful.

Oftentimes, saying “Hello” virtually seems easier that doing it in person. There is a safe distance, a safe boundary… so it may not be as healthy as a “real” old-fashioned interpersonal interaction; but it is working to ease our loneliness and isolation so I’ll take it.

So thank you to Mark Zuckerberg, Kevin Systrom, Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, & Jawed Karim (founders of Facebook, Instagram, & Youtube respectively) for helping us keep in touch as a Community especially in times like this.

And to my wonderful subscribers…. Hello. You will always have my virtual hand to hold.

As always, Look with Intention.

XO, Jen

Galaxy WalkHopeLove

Dr. Jen

April 30, 2020

Related News

Every day is a miracle. Every life is a miracle. Looking at life with this perspective let's us see tiny twinkly lights everywhere.

Christmas “Present”

I was actually Present this Christmas. For me, life was good, yet, feelings of depression were worsening. I ...


With my grey hairs comes a softness from within that I have felt growing with age. This softness ...

Christmas “Present”

I was actually Present this Christmas.

For me, life was good, yet, feelings of depression were worsening. I would have bouts of being happy followed by deep discouragement.

I have a wonderful husband, my parents are both alive and loving, and I have food, shelter, and clothing. I love the Lord Jesus. So why was I so down and truly sad? The embarrassing truth follows and you are free to roll your eyes: I was discouraged because my YouTube channel was not growing as fast as other channels were and I was upset and envious and frustrated… I wanted so badly to get to 1,000 subscribers. This sounds so “first-world-problem-ridiculousness”, right?

My Mom and Dad had been home for about 1 1/2 weeks and noticed that I should have been happier about them being home which is not normal for me. Mom also noticed that I was just “not there”. I was distracted.

I would constantly be checking to see how many views a video had and of course, how many subscribers I had. It was not healthy.

Why is it not healthy? It’s because my emotions were being controlled by people that I have no control over. My self-worth and happiness were being controlled by people that don’t really matter in the life I live.

If I would get a subscriber or two, I would be happy. If I would lose a subscriber, I would be devastated. These were the fluctuations in my mood that my Mom noticed and made her worried because something was just “off” with me.

My husband and I had just interviewed a Psychologist, Dr. Rich Lillard, of LIfesong Counseling for our medical YouTube channel and I after the interview, we were chatting and I had mentioned to him that my moods were down and I figured out it was linked to my slow-growing number of subscribers. He said that there are studies showing that many people experience what I experience: that a like or a subscriber is like a “hit of cocaine” for some people. And that the opposite, a loss of subscribers can cause depression as well.

So from that point on, I came to the conclusion that my obsession over getting subscribers was definitely the reason for my emotions and self-worth. It has now been 2 days of not checking on my numbers of subscribers or followers and I am totally “back” in reality…and thankfully Present. I am able to actually have a clear mind for the things that my family is saying to me instead of being obsessed and distracted.

I love the air that I breathe now. I am free. Free from the bondage that I created by wanting people to like my channel and to subscribe.

The only people that I should want to please is 1st Jesus, then my family. My husband should be the only subscriber that I need and now I am Present for him as well as my parents. It’s absolutely wonderful!

So this Christmas, I am Present. Thank the Lord. I have been saved out of the bondage of social media.

Taking the sage advice of my youngest step-kid, I now create videos because it is content that I enjoy creating…instead of creating content… to get subscribers.

Live your life and realize your worth. Your worth is far greater than the number of subscribers on YouTube or your number of followers on Instagram. In fact, Jesus thinks that you life is worth Him dying for you to live eternally with Him in Heaven.

So, disconnect your self-worth from social media. It’s potentially destructive for some people like me…and Jesus weeps when we make it more important than what He thinks of us.




This has to be one of my most favorite Christmases that I have ever had. For I am grateful that I am Present again in the land of REAL Life.

As always, Look with Intention

XO, Jen

HopeHow To & Style

Dr. Jen

April 30, 2020

Related News

Every day is a miracle. Every life is a miracle. Looking at life with this perspective let's us see tiny twinkly lights everywhere.


Is a hello something that we never really missed and now we are finding it again? I haven't ...


With my grey hairs comes a softness from within that I have felt growing with age. This softness ...


With my grey hairs comes a softness from within that I have felt growing with age.

This softness has developed sometimes from gentle loving experiences and sometimes from deep pain.

Recently, I had been violated and I was so caught off guard by this thief, that I didn’t even have the courage to put up a boundary.

After the less than two-hour encounter, I was left feeling helpless, stupid, and emotionally raped. Physical rape is something that I cannot imagine because this social rape was already something terribly violating.

I have taken two self-defense courses, was brought up in a loving home, have no stressors in life…and yet, after all this, I was left feeling pure RAGE and I was ready to lash out at the world.

I almost went live on Facebook to say “F— YOU WORLD”. And I meant it. I was done with humanity.

My husband and my parents thought I was just frustrated with work. No. I didn’t even know how much rage and anger was inside.

I didn’t even know how to tell my husband or parents why I was so angry. I was angry with myself because I felt so helpless….and stupid.

At 3:46am that night, I woke up for no reason and kept looking over at my husband, Jacky, with the hope that he would wake up so I could talk with him and maybe somehow he could explain to me what had just happened to me the day before.

My Jack

He woke and I still didn’t have the courage to even know where to begin telling what had happened. Eventually he came over and kissed me all over my face like he does every morning and I spilled it all…every ugly detail.

I cried tears that needed to escape. Tears of anger. Tears of feeling stupid and helpless. He laid down and let me hug onto him so tight.

I kept saying…”Why did I allow this to happen to me?”

He said, “You are very kind and you did the right thing. That person caught you off guard and now you know how to protect yourself from that person.”

Like a salve, he healed my raw inflammed wound. I’ve never felt so relieved.

So I learned that people that are angry are people that have been hurt.

A week later, one of my friends on Facebook posted this…

People like me are too confused and raging to know that we need one of those “FRAGILE HANDLE WITH CARE ” stamps on us to let people know we need nothing but CARE…


when we see people as the Lord Jesus Christ sees people…it is quite easy to see the stamp of FRAGILE HANDLE WITH CARE on…. EVERYONE.


As always, Look with Intention

XO, Jen

Galaxy WalkHopeLove

Dr. Jen

April 30, 2020

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Every day is a miracle. Every life is a miracle. Looking at life with this perspective let's us see tiny twinkly lights everywhere.


Is a hello something that we never really missed and now we are finding it again? I haven't ...

Christmas “Present”

I was actually Present this Christmas. For me, life was good, yet, feelings of depression were worsening. I ...

Hope Is

If you are breathing you have Hope. There is nothing mysterious or secret about it. The spirit or life breath that we are granted is by nature something that yearns for more.




There is nothing that we can do to earn it. There is nothing we can do to lose it.

It is the simple beating of the heart which begins at the time we are conceived.

The sun rising in the new day. Letting the light slowly focus our eyes on the day ahead. Even in the bleakest of environments…we Hope.

We Hope that we can see. We Hope that we can make it.







The most beautiful people are not the most financially blessed; in fact, the wealth that this world provides often breeds the opposite of Hope. With the burdens of material wealth, come sometimes generations of heartaches in families.

So as you read this today, Hope is there. It is always there. Hope is what keeps us afloat. Hope is what keeps us breathing every minute of every day that we are granted to walk on this Earth.

Your existence may seen useless. It may seem a burden. It may seem hopeless…

That is where that is a lie. A lie that our minds tell us because we are emotional and emotions cloud reality.

As Dr. Kelly Brogan, Holistic Psychiatrist, said, “Lean into the pain.” So take the next minute and just feel whatever you are experiencing at the moment: if it is pain, lean into it. If it is regret, lean into it. If it is happiness, lean into it.

By leaning into this experience, you will be able to come out of it on the other side, learning something… something that someone is needing to hear or learn from you.

So hang on to Hope. Someone is depending on you because you are what may give them the Hope to hang on just one more day.

As always, Look with Intention

XO, Jen

Galaxy WalkHopeLove

Dr. Jen

April 30, 2020

Related News

Every day is a miracle. Every life is a miracle. Looking at life with this perspective let's us see tiny twinkly lights everywhere.


Is a hello something that we never really missed and now we are finding it again? I haven't ...

Christmas “Present”

I was actually Present this Christmas. For me, life was good, yet, feelings of depression were worsening. I ...