About Abnormal Pap Smears
Most of us wonder if that means “I have cervical cancer” and if you don’t have cervical cancer, then “what causes my Pap to be abnormal”. We love discussing abnormal Pap smears and oftentimes our discussions lead to discussions regarding the HPV virus (Human Papilloma Virus) and whether or not you have it.
If colposcopy is indicated based on the type of abnormal Pap smear you have, then you will be brought to a room where a non-surgical procedure called a Colposcopy is done. During the colposcopy, Dr. Jen will gently place a speculum inside your vagina to carefully inspect your cervix under microscopic guidance and basically it feels like you are getting a Pap smear.
If a biopsy had to be done during the colposcopy, it means that Dr. Jen saw an area on the surface of your cervix that has abnormal features and the amount of the biopsy is the size of a fingernail clipping which will be sent to an off-site lab and results are received back within 2 weeks. Feel free to always bring a companion with you during any of these visits including the colposcopy. There is no downtime after a colposcopy.
Free Consultation
(Aesthetics/PRP/IV Nutrient services)
Get in touch with us and we will answer any questions you may have.