The Ultimate Guide to Modern Botox: Benefits, Safety & More


We’ve all heard of it.


It’s the most popular cosmetic procedure to be done in the United States of all-time.


Yes, we’re talking about Botox.


However, Botox still has some lingering questions surrounding it. 


In order to give you the full breakdown, we are going to discuss:


  • What Botox is
  • How it works
  • Botox’s history
  • How long it lasts
  • Difference of Botox and fillers
  • If it is right for you


Botox has a fascinating history of use, and doctors have discovered dozens of medical uses for Botox, besides just reducing the signs of aging.

What is Botox?

Botox is a safe, beneficial treatment used to treat wrinkles and certain conditions.


“Botox” is the colloquial term for onabotulinumtoxinA, which is a botulinum toxin strain that is produced from a bacterium called Clostridium botulinum.


 A Botox shot contains a very tiny amount of this highly-purified botulinum toxin refined from the bacterium to make it safe for injection and common use. 


In fact, the amount of botulinum toxin in a Botox shot is so small that just one gram of this purified toxin is enough to make the world’s supply of Botox for an entire year. 



The Science Behind Botox: How Does It Work? 

Botox causes relaxation in the muscle by immobilizing the tissue with a botulinum toxin strain injection. 


Sound scary? It’s not. 


As mentioned earlier, the amount of this highly-refined strain is incredibly miniscule and provides significant benefit. 


To understand why this works, we have to look at the history. 

Botox for Treating Muscle Spasms 

The cosmetic benefits of Botox were actually discovered as the result of a happy coincidence by researchers working closely with serious medical conditions.


In the 1960s, ophthalmologist Dr. Alan Scott did the unthinkable by injecting a form of botulinum toxin into one of his patient’s eyes, who was suffering from strabismus. Strabismus is a neuromuscular dysfunction that causes eye malalignment, resulting in double vision. 


Dr. Scott’s experiment discovered that the botulinum toxin strain in Botox temporarily blocks chemical signals from nerves that tell muscles to contract, which allows the eye muscles to stop pulling in unnatural ways. 


Later, Botox was then used to treat muscle spasms using the same principle, and it just so happened to reduce the look of wrinkles simultaneously. 

Botox Evolves to Meet Cosmetic Market Demand

This propelled an interest in the research of Botox for beauty, and in 1992, Dr. Alastair Carruthers and his wife Dr. Jean Carruthers first published a report that Botox could be used for cosmetic purposes to smooth fine lines around the face. 


You know the rest of the story. 


Benefits of Botox: Cosmetic & Beyond 

Botox treatments are known to be effective for:


  • Removing lines and wrinkles


Additionally, today, Botox is FDA-approved to treat medical conditions, such as:


  • Chronic migraines
  • Overactive bladder 
  • Incontinence
  • Cervical dystonia 
  • Upper & lower limb spasticity
  • Excess armpit sweating
  • Eye muscle strains 
  • Eyelid spasms


It’s pretty surprising to know that a popular cosmetic treatment like Botox could have so many other proven benefits, and yet there is still more research that’s being done to look at its potential uses.


Fun Fact: In 2014, Dr. Rosenthal and Dr. Eric Finzi, a clinical professor of psychiatry and assistant professor of psychiatry at the Georgetown University School of Medicine, published a study that indicated Botox may also be effective in treating emotional disorders such as depression. 


It is clear now that Botox has a broad spectrum of benefits, but the burning question everyone asks is, “is it safe?”

Is Botox Safe? 

Good news. The small dose of highly refined botulinum toxin in Botox is considered not only effective, but also safe. In fact, only 36 adverse effects associated with cosmetic use were reported to the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) between 1989 and 2003.


With that being said, it is important to make sure that you are receiving Botox treatments ONLY from a board certified physician or other qualified medicalprofessionals. 


Doctors generally recommend against using Botox if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding. Also, those who are allergic to cow’s milk protein should do more research, as it can cause allergic reactions. 


To learn more, consult with a doctor to see if Botox may be a good fit for you.


What are the Side Effects?

Side effects are possible, but usually very minimal. They most often include symptoms, such as:


  • Headaches
  • Bruising 
  • Pain at injection site


These symptoms are typically very mild and subside in a timely manner. To experience the best results, it is important to avoid strenuous exercise, alcohol intake, and exposure to extensive heat/sun for 24 hours post-injection.


 So now that you know that the recovery time is almost non-existent, your next question might be how long the treatment itself may last. 

How Long Does Botox Last? 


In general, a Botox injection usually lasts between 3-4 months, but can last up to 6 months depending on how a patient’s body retains the injection. Sometimes, the first injection will wear off more quickly and the second treatment has a longer lasting effect.


You should see the full effects of your Botox treatment between 3-7 days.

modern botox benefits

What’s the Difference Between Botox and Fillers? 


People often get confused with Botox and fillers, as they are used for the same anti-aging purposes. Both the treatments and the benefits are different, so it’s important to know which one is right for you to get the results you want: 


  • Botox works by temporarily relacing muscles to stop creases and wrinkles where they are common, due to facial expressions and movements.


  • Fillers are gels made of hyaluronic acid that “fill in” areas in the face that have lost volume over time, due to decreased collagen production.


In other words, Botox targets wrinkles that are caused by muscle movement—known as dynamic wrinkles or “expression lines”—caused by smiling, frowning, squinting, or other facial expressions around the face. 


Fillers increase volume in sagging areas around the face (e.g. thin lips, cheeks, mouth), to give your face a plump look. 


Now that you have gotten the full debrief of Botox, it’s time to think about if it’s right for you!

Is Botox Right for You? Discover Botox With WholeHealth JC

Botox is a safe and efficacious treatment used by millions, and has the potential to drastically improve your quality of life. 


At Whole Health JC Inc., it is our job to empower your health and elevate your well being. With 20 years of experience, Dr. Jennifer Su administers the Botox injections herself without the use of drugs, to ensure you get the natural youthful results you desire.


Let us help you get started with a free consultation, and give you personalized guidance when it comes to Botox treatments!

Dr. Jen

March 09, 2021

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New Female Sexual Dysfunction Treatment: The O-Shot

female sexual dysfunction treatment featured image

Often referred to as “female Viagra”, the O-shot is a female sexual dysfunction treatment that has gained recent popularity. But what is it, really?

The relatively quick and painless treatment is not a magic wand for female sexual dysfunction, but it has been shown to work as a powerful female libido booster.

Today, we’ll take a look at the procedure, the benefits, and the potential complications involved with the O-shot.

What is the O-shot?

female sexual dysfunction treatment the o-shot

An O-shot, short for “orgasm shot,” is an injection of platelet rich plasma into the clitoris and vagina to boost cell growth and increase sensitivity in the o-spot region.

It’s a minimally invasive procedure that can safely and effectively restore your ability to climax during sex.

Currently, the O-shot is used as both a female libido booster and also a female sexual dysfunction treatment.

An Innovative Solution to a Common Problem: Female Sexual Dysfunction

female libido booster sexual health problems

If the term sexual dysfunction makes you feel embarrassed, it shouldn’t. Sexual dysfunction is much more common than most women think and is nothing to be embarrassed about.

In fact, according to WebMD, almost 50% of women have chronic problems with sex, ranging from low sex drive, to lack of orgasm, to persistent pain during sex.

So if you too feel that your intercourse needs a boost—  you are not alone.The O-shot is one of many sexual health treatments that can effectively uplift your sexual experience.

Note: If you came across this post because you are looking for help with UTIs, we prepared a guide on preventing and recovering from UTIs.

How Does the O-Shot Work?

The O-shot involves an injection into your clitoris and vagina.

Now, hear us out. It might sound painful, but it’s actually quite harmless.

“It didn’t feel like anything at all” is a common response from women who have gotten the O-shot, or “Out of 10, the pain level is about a 2.” 

Additionally, the best part of the O-shot is that it’s not made of chemicals or toxins that are injected into your body. In fact, it uses your own body’s natural healing to boost cellular growth in your clitoris and vagina to boost libido and help treat female sexual dysfunction.

Step 1: Draw Blood Sample

Before your O-shot injection, a doctor or nurse in the clinic will draw your blood from your arm.

Step 2: Extract Platelet Rich Plasma

Then while you wait, a specialist will spin, clean, and process (centrifuge) your blood to separate and collect the platelet rich plasma (PRP) inside.

Platelet rich plasma is the part of your blood that contains all the growth factors that help your body heal itself.

You know that sticky yellow fluid that comes out when you cut your skin and it forms a scab? That’s PRP!

When you take that PRP and inject it into the clitoris and vagina, it naturally stimulates new cell growth, collagen, blood vessels, & nerves—therefore helping to increase sensitivity pleasure in that region during sex.

Step 3: Apply a Topical Numbing Cream

Next, a topical numbing cream is applied to the areas of injection before painlessly injecting the PRP into your clitoris and vagina.

Step 4: Inject the PRP Locally

The last step is the actual injection performed by Dr. Jen.

Step 5: Return to Normal Activities in No-Time

Once the process is complete, you’ll be able to go about your day with no downtime at all. You can also have sex the same day too, if you’d like.

female libido booster relief

Are There Possible Side-Effects?

Since every woman’s body is different, some individuals may experience possible side effects of the O-shot. They can include the following:

  • A feeling of fullness in the vagina for 1-3 days
  • Spot bleeding in the area of injection for 1-2 days
  • A sensation of always being sexually aroused or hypersexuality (overactive sex drive)
  • Spontaneous orgasm
  • Constant vaginal wetness
  • Sexual arousal with urination
  • Bruising
  • Vaginal sensitivity (including a “buzzing” sensation)

The symptoms and results vary so make sure you stay connected to your doctor and let him or her know if any unusual physical conditions come up.

If you are experiencing strange red flags from your body, don’t wait – call your doctor immediately.

Who is a Good Candidate for the O-shot?

If you’re in the market to find a reliable female libido booster and female sexual dysfunction treatment, the O-shot is generally a good option.

But if you’re interested in possibly getting it and are wondering if it’s right for you, these are some symptoms that make someone a good candidate to get one:

O-shot can be beneficial for you if you suffer from:

  • Vaginal dryness
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Lack of sexual desire
  • Inability to become aroused or orgasm
  • Pain during sex
  • Menopausal or post-menopausal symptoms
  • Lichen sclerosus (thin, patchy white skin in the genital region)
  • Lichen planus (purple-ish skin rash on your skin or genitals)
  • Chronic pain from childbirth and mesh (an implant to support the vaginal wall and/or urethra)
  • Interstitial cystitis (chronic inflammation of the bladder muscles)

If you are seeking to treat psychosexual dysfunctions that lead to low sex drive, such as depression and/or anxiety, it is recommended that you seek help from a psychologist rather than an O-shot as the root of those symptoms are different.

How to Find the Right O-shot Provider

female sexual dysfunction treatment post treatment

The best practice is to always talk to your primary care doctor first, with whom you have a trusted relationship with.

Then you can schedule a consultation with a qualified gynecologist who can guide you the right way to getting your O-shot.

There’s nothing you need to do specifically to prepare during the days leading up to the O-shot.

The medical professional who will administer the O-shot for you will ask you some general health and/or sexual health questions so make sure you have those answers on hand, including any medications you are taking or any surgeries you’ve had.

Final Thoughts About the O-Shot

While the use of PRP injections for sexual health is relatively new, it has been successfully implemented for other medical issues like hair loss, acne, arthritis, and other sports-related injuries.

However, the FDA has approved PRP injections for certain treatments like diabetic ulcers that resist healing and regimens for orthopedic surgery.

The current knowledge and practice of O-shots are administered based on experience and theorized science-based methods of PRP. Always do your research and talk to a medical professional to see if this treatment may be right for you.


February 18, 2021

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Yes, You Can Get Hair Restoration Results with PRP for Hair Loss

Whole Health JC Woman Checking Hair Loss

Why is so much of my hair falling out?” If you’ve ever asked yourself this question, you may wonder what causes hair loss and if there are any treatments to prevent it in the future. As a matter of fact, there are! Introducing: hair restoration with PRP Therapy


So, does Platelet Rich Plasma, or PRP therapy provide lasting hair restoration results? According to recent studies on PRP for hair loss, the answer is YES. 

Whole Health Center Hair Loss Help


Keep reading to discover common hair loss causes and how PRP can get to the root of your hair loss problem. Let’s get started. 

Hair Loss Causes in Men and Women

We get it – no one wants to see their hair thin or fall out. But, what are the common causes of hair loss? 


For starters, several factors can cause hair loss in both men and women. Among the most common include:

  • Vitamin deficiencies
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Extreme stress 
  • Poor hair care routine (low grade shampoo; pulling hair back too tight) 
  • Genetics


Many of these hair loss causes are easily fixed with a nutrient-rich diet and a balanced daily routine. However, when genetics are the main cause of hair loss, then a hair restoration treatment may be the only option. 


The solution? Platelet Rich Plasma therapy, or PRP. 

What is PRP Therapy?

Natural. Safe. Effective. These are just a few words used to describe the power of PRP. But, what exactly is this treatment and how does it work? Let’s find out.


Simply put, PRP uses our bodies’ own platelets to renew damaged tissue. Naturally found in our blood, platelets stop bleeding and regenerate skin and collagen. That’s right – they make up the body’s very own healing system! 


When scientists realized the amazing properties of platelets, they created PRP therapy. This treatment administers platelets in high concentrations to the patient and speeds up the healing process. 

PRP Prevents Future Hair Loss

Here’s the best part: When it comes to hereditary genes that cause hair to thin and fall out, PRP is proven to restore it before it’s too late! 


According to several scientific studies, PRP injections reduce hair loss and even improve hair density. In fact, the treatment stimulates follicle growth and actually decreases the chance of future hair loss


Are you ready to learn why so many men, women, and scientists rave about PRP? Let’s talk about how the procedure works.  

How Does PRP for Hair Loss Work?

First things first, find a clinic that offers PRP treatments. Most clinics that specialize in integrative medicine will offer Platelet Rich Plasma therapy. Once you’ve found a clinic, schedule a consultation to make sure PRP is right for you. 


When you go in for your PRP therapy appointment, you can expect your medical professional to do 3 quick procedures. 


To begin, a blood sample will be taken. Once blood is obtained, the doctor will use a biological centrifuge to spin and concentrate your platelets. No worries – the process is extremely quick and only takes a few minutes to complete! 

Hair Restoration with PRP Male hair Thinning


Finally, the highly concentrated platelets are injected into the scalp in a grid-like pattern. Now, all you have to do is sit back and let the healing magic of platelet rich plasma do the rest. 

What Do PRP Hair Restoration Results Look Like?

Most patients will start to see hair restoration results within 3 months. After 12 months, you will see the maximum results. Here’s what you can expect:

  • New hair growth
  • Denser follicles
  • Stronger, thicker hair


To experience lasting results, consult with your doctor about bi-annual PRP maintenance injections. 

Prevent Future Hair Loss with Whole Health JC

Ready to regain your confidence with fresh, new hair? At WholeHealth JC, we offer several safe PRP procedures, including the Vampire Hair Regrowth treatment. 

Our clinic specializes in integrative medicine and only uses the best, most state-of-the-art treatments for our patients. Schedule a free consultation to learn more.


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How to Get Rid of Migraines with IV Therapy

Instant Migraine Relief Whole Health JC

Throbbing, aching, nauseating, disabling. These are all words used to describe the infamous migraine headache. If you are one of the numerous men, women, or children that is affected by chronic migraine attacks, you are probably searching for a faster migraine relief treatment.

Here’s the good news: recent developments have actually made it fairly easy to shorten the duration of the migraine pain. Through the use of IV Therapy, essential elements can be administered to the body and aid in migraine relief.

In this article, we are going to give you the ingredients you need to find a quicker solution to migraine pain relief. We will also discuss how to get rid of migraines specifically with IV Therapy. Let’s dive in!

How do Migraines Start?

Did you know? Migraines affect 39 million men, women, and children in the U.S. alone.


How To Get Rid Of Migraines Whole Health JC


In many cases, people who experience chronic migraines have a family history of the neurological illness. Since migraines are commonly hereditary, many migraine-inducing factors affect sufferers differently.

First, environmental changes such as stress, sounds, smells, and bright lights can all trigger a migraine. Second, our diet also plays a huge role in the onset of an attack.

Here’s the good news: with the proper nutrients, we can reduce the severity and even eliminate migraines. Keep reading to learn how to get rid of migraines quicker in 4 easy ways. First, let’s start with magnesium.

1. Magnesium: A Natural Migraine Treatment

According to research, diet and nutrition definitely play a part in the severity of migraines. For instance, magnesium, a key nutrient associated with blood vessel relaxation, is proven to affect migraine levels.

But, how? Simply put, magnesium regulates natural chemicals found in our bodies, including:

  • Serotonin
  • Nitric oxide
  • NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartic acid)


How Do Migraines Start Whole Health JC


Without the proper levels of both magnesium and these chemicals, our blood vessels can start to spasm and cause an onset of unforgiving headaches. With that being said, you can reduce the severity of migraines by consuming a healthy daily serving of magnesium.

2. Riboflavin Restores Brain Cell Energy

Another way to get rid of migraines is to monitor your levels of riboflavin. Commonly found in foods like eggs, dairy products, and green vegetables, riboflavin is a natural vitamin that aids cellular respiration in our bodies.

Also categorized as Vitamin B2, riboflavin has been scientifically proven to restore energy levels in our brain cells and reduce the severity of migraines. For riboflavin to have a greater and quicker effect, the vitamin should be administered in a high-dose of 400 mg daily.

Now that you know the benefits of riboflavin, let’s move on to our next essential element.

3. Hydrate with H2O!

This might seem obvious, but good old fashion water is extremely important to offset the start of a migraine. Furthermore, electrolytes and vitamins that are added to water will replenish your body and help it re-energize.

Daily Diet May Cause Dehydration

Our daily diet can suck water right out of our cells. And without the proper levels of water, we are at a greater risk of a headache attack. Make sure you hydrate after consuming:

  • Salty foods
  • Fried and breaded foods
  • Sugar

But, we’re not stopping at food. Several drinks, especially caffeinated drinks, are considered diuretic. These drinks include:

  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Alcohol


Instant Migraine Relief and Pain Management Whole Health JC


Supplement your daily dose of coffee or tea with a cup of water. This will dilute the diuretic effect and help your body stay balanced.

Drink Water Before and After Bed

Along with H2O, a good night’s sleep can go a long way. In fact, sleep can stop cluster headache attacks dead in their tracks.

Here’s the problem: when we sleep, we tend to fast from water. Therefore, it is important to hydrate throughout the day to replenish the water our bodies used up during the night.

4. IV Therapy: Safer Migraine Relief

You may be wondering, “is there a faster and easier solution to my migraine pain?” We have some great news for you – yes, there is! Introducing: migraine IV Therapy.

In fact, IV Therapy has been used for decades to treat pain, dehydration, metal poisoning, and vitamin deficiencies. Research has proven the powerful benefits IV Therapy has on chronic pain, including migraines.

So, how does IV Therapy create quicker migraine relief?

Migraine IV Therapy Procedure

First, a medical professional sets up an IV bag that contains a mixture of vital elements. These elements will help reduce migraine activity and include:

  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin B2 Riboflavin
  • Water
  • Electrolytes

Next, an intravenous line (IV line) is inserted into the patient’s vein, which attaches the IV bag to the body. Now, all the patient has to do is sit back and relax while the IV delivers all of the important elements to the body. It’s that easy!

Discover Migraine Relief IV Therapy at WholeHealth JC

Ready to relieve your pain? At WholeHealth JC, we offer safe migraine relief IV therapy. Our safe and effective IV treatments will hydrate your body and deliver the necessary levels of magnesium and riboflavin to stop any unpleasant migraine activity dead in its tracks.

Contact us for a free consultation and see how migraine relief IV therapy can help you.


October 19, 2020

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IV Therapy Benefits: 5 IV Therapy Procedures You Need To Try

iv therapy benefits featured image whole health jc

Have you ever been in a situation where you needed an IV? In many cases, IVs are used before and after surgery to help patients undergo tedious surgical procedures.

But, did you know that IVs can give your body quick solutions to vitamin deficiencies, dehydration, and even chronic pain?

For decades, medical professionals have used intravenous therapy, or IV therapy, to administer essential elements into the body, including water, vitamins, minerals, medicine, and even blood! Sounds amazing, right?

In this article, you will discover the most powerful IV therapy benefits you can receive from 5 must-try IV therapy procedures. Let’s get started!

What is IV Therapy Used For?

Simply put, IV therapy is used to quickly and efficiently transfer essential vitamins, minerals, and other important elements into the body.

But how? Let us explain.

For over a century, the history of IV therapy has helped doctors all around the world improve the lives of their patients before and after surgery. By attaching an intravenous line (IV line) to a vein, the IV can be used to help our bodies quickly absorb essential minerals, vitamins, medicine, and amino acids. In fact, IVs can even be used to administer life-saving blood transfusions!


IV Therapy Benefits Relaxation


Nowadays, modern medicine has recognized the true healing powers behind IV therapy procedures. Since our bodies often struggle to absorb all of the natural vitamins from our everyday diet, we can use IV therapy to speed up the administration and absorption process.

In fact, some of the best IV therapy benefits include:

  • Increase absorption of vitamins
  • Optimize body hydration
  • Maximize immune system
  • Reduce anxiety, stress, and depression
  • Remove toxic metals from the body
  • Improve medical problems such as asthma, migraines, and chronic pain

Now that you understand some of the best IV therapy benefits, let’s dive into our top 5 must-try IV therapy procedures.

1. Anti-Aging IV Therapy

Do you believe in the fountain of youth? By now, you’ve probably come to the conclusion that this mythical spring is just folklore.

Well, what if we told you that the fountain of youth DOES exist… but it’s not a lush oasis like you always imagined. Instead, it comes in the form of anti-aging IV therapy.


iv therapy procedure for anti-aging effects


So, can the anti-aging IV therapy procedure really reverse time and bring back your youthful appearance? The answer is yes! Here’s how:

Through a set of ten anti-aging IVs that focus on the patient’s age-adjusted telomere length and chromosomal age changes, this IV therapy procedure supports the repair mechanism in the body and improves:

  • Memory and brain function
  • Bone strength
  • Connective tissue and skin elasticity
  • Energy levels

This unique treatment revolves around the length of our body’s telomere caps. Telomeres are the small tips of the chromosomes that carry our DNA. The shorter the length of our telomere, the more we age. Therefore, the goal of anti-aging IV therapy is to pinpoint our telomere caps and slow the loss of telomere length.

Pretty cool, right? Keep reading to learn about an IV therapy procedure that removes toxic metals from your body.

2. Chelation IV Therapy

Although we can argue that all IV therapy benefits are amazing, this next treatment offers several positive gains for your body. Introducing chelation IV therapy, a revolutionary procedure that carries unwanted metals out of your body’s fragile internal system.


IV therapy procedures from Whole Health JC


So, what is chelation? The process is straightforward: chelation is a safe chemical treatment that uses EDTA (a synthetic amino acid) or DMPS (a mercury detoxification agent) to bind with toxic metals like mercury and lead. Once chelation takes place, the metals are removed from your body when you go to the bathroom.

Here’s the best part: chelation IV therapy is believed to help reverse both metal poisoning and chronic degenerative diseases such as arthritis and Alzheimer’s Disease.

3. Hydration IV

Did you know? 75% of your body’s weight is made up of water! Here’s another fact: 30% of all metabolic reactions require water. From these statistics alone, it is clear that water is extremely important for your body’s everyday functions.

Is your body dehydrated? Use hydration IV therapy to replenish your body with the H2O it needs to stay happy and healthy. If you live in a hot, humid climate, regularly feel dehydrated, or are hungover, then this IV therapy procedure would be a great solution for you!


Working out post-IV


Do you exercise regularly and need extra hydration and electrolytes? Check out the athletic performance IV vitamin drip treatment. Similar to hydration IV therapy, this IV therapy benefits your muscles, energy levels, and other body tissues.

4. Immune Booster IV

Your immune system is vital because it is your body’s #1 defense system against harmful infections. A low immune system means you are at a higher risk to get sick and stay sick for longer.

Traditionally, doctors recommend these useful tips to build a strong immune system:

  • Stay hydrated
  • Eat nutrient-rich foods like fruit
  • Exercise daily
  • Avoid smoking
  • Consume vitamins like vitamin C and E

Although you should definitely follow these tips to maintain a healthy body, there is another solution to quickly boost your immune system.

If you want to maximize your immune system and fortify your body from viruses, bacteria, and other illnesses, try the immune booster IV therapy. Through zinc, lysine and other natural minerals, this IV therapy procedure will combat the severity and duration of infectious illnesses. Kiss the common cold goodbye!

5. Pain Relief IV

Last but not least, if you suffer from chronic pain like back aches, migraines, joint pain, or other nerve pain, then pain relief IV therapy is for you.

No one should live their lives in pain every minute of the day. Side effects from daily pain can be both emotionally and physically taxing. In fact, excessive pain can cause you to lose sleep and even jeopardize your immune system! That is why we included pain relief IV therapy on our list of must-try IV therapy procedures.

So, how does it work?

Through an uncomplicated IV therapy procedure, you can replenish key vitamins that your body needs to fight back the pain in your body and reduce inflammation. Pain relief has never been so effortless!

Experience IV Therapy Benefits with Whole Health JC

If you want to reap IV therapy benefits yourself, look no further than Whole Health JC. Our IV therapy clinic offers 18 types of IV therapy procedures that can combat pain, migraines, dehydration, and low immune systems. Contact us at 573-893-5500 for a free consultation.

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“name”: “What is IV Therapy Used For?”,
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“text”: “IV therapy is used to quickly and efficiently transfer essential vitamins, minerals, and other important elements into the body.”


August 28, 2020

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What is PRP Therapy in a PRP Facial? How Does it Restore Hair Loss?

PRP Facial Results | PRP Injection Recovery Time | PRP Treatments | hair restoration PRP

PRP Therapy has been around for a few years now, and the results of the treatment are stunning. Doctors and Medical Clinics have used the procedure to speed up top athletes’ recovery, treat hair loss, and rejuvenate the skin.

Over the years, word of the treatment has grown. Today, we’re going to cover what the procedure is, why it helps, and what to do after the treatment. Facial and skin treatments with PRP Therapy can help you smooth years of wrinkles or even recover thinning hair!

So how does it work?

What is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)?

Platelet Rich Plasma promotes healing where it’s applied. As the name implies, it’s mostly made from a high volume of platelets in blood plasma. Platelets naturally occur in our blood and clot to prevent bleeding. Plasma is the nutrient-rich delivery vehicle in your blood made to deliver antibodies, platelets, and blood cells. Together, the two are primarily responsible for healing and repairing the skin.

To create PRP, a doctor or clinician takes a small sample of your blood. Then, they process your blood in a machine called a centrifuge. The process helps to concentrate your platelets in one place. The doctor then further concentrates the plasma to create a supercharged version of your blood.

It helps heal the skin faster and repair old damage, but it helps create collagen in the skin. Collagen is found throughout the body and makes up roughly a third of our proteins. Collagen is what helps keep our skin looking young, and helps prevent joint pain like osteoporosis.

That is one of the main reasons that the treatment was initially used on athletes. Today, we can use it as part of skin treatments and hair restoration PRP treatments with great success.

What is a PRP Injection?

A PRP injection takes the PRP solution recently created from your blood and injects it where it’s most needed. A PRP injection is a painless procedure and is usually done as part of the last step of a process.

what is a prp injection | prp injection recovery time | prp treatments | prp therapy recovery time

Often, the purpose of the injection is to decrease recovery time and get you back to normal even faster. The injection is the last step needed to complete your PRP Therapy besides the PRP Aftercare.

The PRP Facial

A PRP Facial combines Platelet Rich Plasma with Microneedling to generate collagen growth. The procedure helps to reduce recovery time and your skin’s natural wrinkle-fighting power in three ways:

  • Creating extremely tiny marks throughout your skin to force collagen growth
  • The sharper and smaller the needle, the faster the skin will heal
  • Applying a PRP injection increases the effectiveness of healing and collagen growth

A PRP Facial typically lasts 3-6 months and takes around 2-5 days to see the first results. After that, the process helps your skin look younger, fuller, and with fewer wrinkles. Most clients come in a few times a year for the treatment, helping to increase the effectiveness and duration.

PRP Treatment For Hair Loss

Back in 2019, there were two studies regarding different forms of alopecia, a type of hair loss. The first study covered androgenetic alopecia or male pattern baldness. The other review was about the treatment being used for alopecia areata. It’s a ruthless form of hair loss caused by an autoimmune disorder that causes small, random patches to stop growing.


Both studies and many more have come to find PRP treatment for hair loss to be effective in helping to prevent more hair loss, thicken hair, and promote minor hair rejuvenation.

prp therapy for hair | prp therapy for face | prp therapy for hair loss | prp facial | hair restoration prp

To achieve quality hair rejuvenation, you would need multiple rounds of PRP treatment for hair loss. PRP can help treat the systems of hair loss, but not the root cause. These studies help show the treatment’s effectiveness.

PRP Injection Aftercare

The instructions are relatively simple; just follow the directions below:

  1. Try to avoid icing the area if possible
  2. Avoid anti-inflammatory medicine like Motrin, Advil, Ibuprofen, Aleve, Naprosyn, Naproxen, Voltaren, Diclofenac, Meloxicam, Mobic, or Celebrex.
  3. For 2-3 days after your injection, rest and avoid all activity that includes the injection site.
    1. If you received PRP Treatment for hair loss, do not wear a hat for a few days.
    2. If you received a PRP Facial, try not to rub or touch your face.
  4. You may use Tylenol (Acetaminophen) or Ultram (Tramadol) as needed for discomfort.
  5. You will be given instructions before leaving the procedure room on what sort of physical activity you may or may not engage in.

PRP Therapy Recovery Time

You’ll need to rest the injection site for 2-3 days after the procedure, and try not to reduce the swelling, as this is part of the process.

The total recovery time is about 7-9 days, but you can operate normally on day four. Don’t forget that you can call into our telehealth services post-procedure to check on complications or ask any additional questions.

Whole Health JC

Whole Health JC is a Health and Wellness Clinic located in Jefferson City, Missouri, near Columbia. The clinic is run by Dr. Jen Su, a Gynecologist and Integrative Medicine Specialist. Not only does the clinic provide PRP Treatments, but it includes post-treatments like IV Therapy and microdermabrasion.

Give us a call at 573-893-5500, or contact by form to schedule your PRP treatments today.


July 09, 2020

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