The 5 Most Important Tips to Prevent Bruising After Botox

Beautiful Woman Pondering How to Prevent Botox After Bruising

BOTOX® is meant to make you look and feel fabulous, not leave you black and blue! Although it is natural for bruising to occur after treatment, you may start to second guess your appointment.

Here’s the good news: There are several ways to help prevent botox bruising. So, if you are worried about bruising after botox or filler treatments, don’t cancel your appointment just yet!

In this article, you will discover why botox bruising takes place and 5 expert tips to prevent bruising after your botox treatment. Let’s get started.

There are 5 key steps to preventing bruising after Botox.

What Causes Botox Bruising?

Botox bruises can occur when the needle that administers the treatment accidentally hits a tiny blood vessel just beneath the surface of the skin. Bruising can also occur if the needle pinches or pulls the skin, causing capillary damage.

Additionally, some people simply bruise easier than others, due to factors such as age, & medication being taken. Because of this, bruising can not always be avoided, no matter how skilled the technician is. So, don’t fret. Bruising after your botox treatment is a normal part of the process.

Like all bruises, blood begins to leak underneath the skin, which causes the tell-tale sign of a bruise: discoloration.

How Long Does Bruising Last After Botox?

Botox bruising typically only lasts from 2 to 3 days, but in some circumstances, signs of discoloration or bruising could last for up to 2 weeks. The important thing to note is that bruises will disappear eventually, and you’ll be able to look your best in practically no time.

When Will You Notice Botox Bruising?

In the event botox-related bruising occurs, it usually doesn’t happen directly after the appointment. Instead, it often takes between 1-2 days to appear.

If you are going to bruise after botox, you will most likely feel tenderness near the injection site first. Then, a visible reddish area will appear that could turn black and blue over the next few hours. As the bruise heals, it will change to a brownish-yellow color and slowly disappear.

Luckily, botox bruising doesn’t happen to everyone. In fact, the large majority of patients see little to no bruising after a botox or filler treatments. According to a Botox study on the National Library of Medicine website, Botox led to temporary bruising in only 19% to 24% of patients. Botox also doesn’t hurt as often as you may be led to believe.

However, if you really want to make sure you do NOT bruise after your session, then these 5 tips can help you to reduce bruising and fully enjoy the benefits of botox.

5 Ways to Prevent Botox Related Bruising

Although it might be accompanied by some minor tenderness, botox bruising is nothing to worry about. Here’s what you should do to prevent or lessen the effects of bruising after your botox or filler treatment.

1. Good, Old-Fashioned Ice Pack


Ice pack to prevent botox bruising


Do you remember a time that you fell and got hurt as a child? Your mom or dad probably picked you up, carried you to the freezer, and pulled out a bag of frozen peas. You were then instructed to hold the cold bag against your bruise or scrape.

Magically, the frosty treatment worked and you felt much better! Sometimes, you thought for sure a bruise would form, but it never did – all thanks to the frozen peas.

Cool enough (no pun intended), the same technique can work after botox!

How Ice Packs Reduce Bruising

Luckily, you don’t have to use a bag of frozen produce to mitigate botox bruising. Instead, a small ice pack wrapped in a gentle cloth will do the trick.

Ice is a great way to prevent bruising because it greatly reduces blood flow to the area by constricting the blood vessels around the injection site. With less blood coursing to the site, the less likely you will see bruising.

Simply hold the cloth-covered ice pack onto the site of injection directly after your session. This will reduce the chance of bruising in the future.

2. Vitamin C


Vitamin C to be used to prevent bruising after BOTOX


You probably already know that vitamin C is the ultimate nutrient to combat colds and viruses. Well, surprisingly enough, it can also help prevent botox bruising! Here’s how.

Vitamin C naturally strengthens blood vessels and encourages healthy blood circulation. The stronger your blood vessels are, the less likely they will be damaged to the point of bruising.

You can opt to take vitamin C supplements or you can eat hearty foods that contain high levels of vitamin C. These include citrus fruits, bell peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, cabbage, and more. You can also look into IV Therapy that fills your body with rich nutrients like vitamin C.

Orange you glad you took some vitamin C?

3. Bioflavinoids

Speaking of vitamins, you should also consume bioflavinoids to help activate the vitamin C in your system.

Simply put, bioflavinoids are antioxidants that support blood circulation, strengthen capillaries, and boost the active properties found in vitamin C. Interestingly enough, bioflavinoids are often medically used to treat inflammatory conditions.

Where to Find Bioflavinoids

Since bruises are often accompanied by minor swelling and inflammation, bioflavinoids can help prevent this from happening.

These naturally occurring antioxidants can be found in many fruits and vegetables or you can choose to buy a supplement that has them in it. Be sure to ingest bioflavinoids and vitamin C together – both before and after your botox appointment – to reap the benefits of these nutrients!

4. Avoid Intense Exercising

Did you ever think you would be advised NOT to exercise? Depending on the intensity of the workout, exercise can actually hinder your botox recovery.

Excess physical activity increases heart rate, which increases blood flow. Consequently, this also increases the chance of bruising after a botox treatment.

Obviously, daily exercise is really good for you since great blood flow keeps your body in balance. However, it’s safe to say that you can take one day to relax before and after your botox treatment to avoid the chance of bruising.

5. No Touching!


Botox Being Injected so Dont Touch it After to Prevent Bruising


As tempting as it might be to gently massage the treatment area after your session, it is important to try to avoid touching it.

When you apply too much pressure to the sensitive area, it can further aggravate and cause more trauma to the blood vessels. This will only make bruising worse down the line. Instead, avoid touching the area for at least 6 hours after treatment.

If you really must soothe the area, use the ice pack to add minor pressure, but try not to deeply massage it.

Prop Yourself Up on Pillows

On a similar note, you might also want to avoid falling asleep within the first few hours after treatment. This will help you avoid accidentally rubbing your face or adding pressure to the treatment site in your sleep.

Once you are ready to get some rest, be sure to elevate your head on extra pillows. This allows the treatment to circulate correctly into your muscles and avoid excess pressure.

Get Beautiful Botox Results at Whole Health JC

Now that you know all of the expert ways to prevent botox bruising before and after your treatment, you can achieve amazing results!

Ready to schedule an appointment? Learn how BOTOX at Whole Health JC can help you get the natural youthful results you’ve been searching for.

Dr. Jen

May 26, 2022

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3 NAD IV Therapy Benefits: Your Revolutionary Anti-Aging Treatment

Nad therapy session - Woman relaxed, what is nad

Are you wondering what NAD IV therapy is and how it can help you live a healthier life? If so, you’ve come to the right place!

NAD stands for Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide and is an essential coenzyme found in all living cells. Among other vital processes, the active NAD+ molecule instills proper communication between the mitochondria and the nucleus to create cellular energy.

Unfortunately, as we gradually age, our NAD levels drastically decrease and result in a cellular decline. This leads to the common signs of aging, including a drop in energy, metabolism, and overall health.

Luckily, NAD IV therapy is a scientifically proven treatment that revitalizes NAD in the body and gives patients the boost of this vital coenzyme to live a healthier and more energetic life.

In this article, all of your questions about this powerful treatment will be answered, including:

  • What is NAD IV Therapy?
  • What can I expect if I receive this treatment?
  • How long does NAD IV last?

Without further ado, let’s get started.

What is NAD IV Therapy?

Simply put, NAD IV therapy gives patients the opportunity to receive a revitalizing boost of NAD+ coenzymes through intravenous infusions.

Similar to other types of IV therapy, such as immune-boosting Vitamin IV Drips, NAD IV therapy combines natural nutrients with NAD+, an infusion your cells will love. This anti-aging treatment promotes healthy cellular processes and serves to halt cellular decline.

In turn, NAD IV therapy will:

  • Increase energy levels
  • Improve cognition and memory
  • Restore metabolism
  • Stimulate cellular regeneration
  • Help with mental health concerns

So, what can NAD IV therapy do for you? Here are 3 key benefits of this revolutionary treatment.

3 Benefits of NAD IV Therapy

The science behind the treatment is simple: since NAD+ naturally declines as we age, all we have to do is introduce a high concentration of the coenzyme back into the body and replenish the decaying cells.

Here are three main NAD drip benefits.

1. Maintain Healthy Organs & Neurological Systems

First and foremost, one of the best benefits NAD+ treatment offers is its ability to create a prosperous relationship between your cells and the major organs in your body.

Did you know that your heart and your brain have some of the highest concentrations of mitochondria out of all your organs? This means that the coenzyme NAD has a significant role in the healthy function of these two vital organs.

With that being said, NAD IV therapy helps maintain your organs and keeps them running well.

Healthy woman after NAD IV therapy, what is nad

Treat Depression Symptoms

Furthermore, NAD serves to preserve your neurological system. According to scientific research, there is a direct link between NAD and the body’s serotonin levels.

Serotonin is a hormone that regulates your mood and impacts your overall feeling of well-being and happiness. Interestingly enough, NAD naturally increases serotonin in the body, which reduces the negative symptoms caused by depression and anxiety.

Along with an increase in serotonin, NAD IV treatment also improves energy levels. This leads us to the next key benefit of this powerful anti-aging molecule.

2. Boost Energy & Metabolism

Here’s something we can all agree on: as we age, we tend to feel slower, more sluggish, and even less energetic. This is because NAD production decreases, our cells begin to decline, and our bodies produce less cellular energy.

Although this is completely normal, it’s not an enjoyable part of aging. Luckily, NAD IV therapy restores your energy and can help you live a more active and pleasurable life. NAD also improves:

  • Cognitive performance & memory
  • Proper brain function
  • Chronic fatigue symptoms

Those who have done NAD IV therapy have experienced improved mental health clarity, concentration, mood, and more.

And what’s more? With your energy restored, you may even notice a big boost in your metabolism. This means you have the ability to get back into shape and keep your body balanced.

Improve Athletic Performance

With improved energy, cognitive performance, & mental health, athletes can react faster. Additionally NAD has the ability to improve muscle development. It supplies your boy with fuel to improve muscle health during your workout as well as help in their repair afterwords.

As a result, you can build stronger muscles and increase your muscle mass making you a better athlete.

3. Promote Cellular Regeneration

Finally, NAD IV treatment is also proven to promote healthy cellular regeneration.

Since NAD+ naturally repairs and preserves DNA, extracts cellular energy from nutrition, and protects chromosomal and mitochondrial function, NAD IV infusion seeks to stimulate and renew these natural processes in the body. This gives the treatment its anti-aging properties.

nad therapy energy

NAD IV Reverses Signs of Aging

Sirtuin is in the family of proteins with NAD and plays a role in your metabolic regulation. Sirtuin, specifically Sir2p plays a significant role in the aging process and your overall health. Getting NAD IV therapy can help its effectiveness, reducing wrinkles and fine lines. So not only do you feel younger but you look younger too!

NAD IV Therapy Helps Combat Addiction

Due to the cellular repair and anti-depression properties of this treatment, NAD IV treatment is also used to treat addiction.

Not only does NAD+ stabilize mood and reduce anxiety and depression for patients who suffer from addiction, but the molecule also reduces negative symptoms often associated with the rehabilitation process. NAD IV therapy can help recovering addicts detoxify from prescription drugs, alcohol, and opioid dependencies.

If you struggle with addiction, anxiety, mental health, or another behavioral health concern, it is important to seek help from a medical professional. Treatment centers that utilize behavioral health consulting services are generally more trustworthy.

What to Expect During Treatment

Here’s what you need to know if you are wondering what kind of results you can expect from a NAD IV infusion session.

First, through the use of an IV drip, you will receive 100% of the NAD molecules. Unlike oral supplements, this will ensure your body absorbs as much of the molecule and other nutrients in the infusion as possible.

Next, you can expect to feel an increase in energy, metabolism, and cognitive performance once the coenzyme is administered to your body. Oftentimes, patients with chronic pain issues will experience a decrease in unfavorable symptoms as well.

The Results: How Long Does NAD IV Last?

If you’re interested in the amazing benefits of this treatment, then you’ve probably already asked yourself, “How long does NAD IV last?”

Typically, results last between 7-14 days after the very first NAD IV drip is administered. Oftentimes, patients experience longer-lasting results with the following treatments. However, results vary from patient to patient.

Reap the Benefits of NAD IV Therapy at Whole Health JC

Whether you want to try NAD IV infusion to replenish your energy, boost your metabolism, or improve your mood, you can reap the anti-aging properties of this revolutionary therapy with Dr. Jennifer Su at Whole Health JC.

Dr. Jennifer Su specializes in integrative medicine and offers several variations of IV therapy for her patients. Contact 573-893-5500 to schedule a free NAD IV treatment consultation today.

Dr. Jen

March 10, 2022

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Your Guide to the Alpha Lipoic Acid Treatment: What to Expect

hyaluronic acid treater after photo

Referred to as the “universal antioxidant,” Alpha Lipoic Acid is a strong compound proven to naturally remove toxins from the body and improve metabolism. Nowadays, you can receive an Alpha Lipoic Acid treatment to replenish antioxidant levels in your body and reduce nerve pain.

So, what exactly is Alpha Lipoic Acid, and is it safe to use as an IV treatment?

In this ultimate guide to Alpha Lipoic Acid, learn why this antioxidant is so special, discover 3 key benefits of an Alpha Lipoic Acid treatment, and explore the results you can expect to see after treatment.

Let’s get started.

What is Alpha Lipoic Acid?

At its core, Alpha Lipoic Acid, or ALA for short, is a powerful antioxidant naturally found in many of the foods we eat. For instance, one can find trace amounts of the compound in vegetables, roots, and fruits, including:

  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Carrots
  • Tomatoes
  • Beets
  • Yams
  • Potatoes

Alpha Lipoic Acid Treatment

When we consume ALA, our body synthesizes it, and it goes straight to work with our mitochondria. Once there, it helps perform a multitude of metabolic processes that are vital to the body, such as cellular damage prevention and metabolism regulation.

Due to its robust yet natural properties, ALA is safe to use as an IV treatment.

So, why should you consider an Alpha Lipoic Acid treatment?

3 Benefits of an Alpha Lipoic Acid Treatment

When it comes to ALA IV treatments, the benefits go far beyond just an improved metabolism. From natural healing properties to toxin removal, here are the top 3 benefits that ALA provides your body.

1. Feel the Healing Power of Antioxidants

In simple terms, an antioxidant is a molecule that combats free radicals that cause harm to your body. Antioxidants are key in targeting and fighting these free radicals to keep your body in equilibrium.

An Alpha Lipoic Acid treatment quickly replenishes the amount of ALA in your body. Once the antioxidant is readily present for use, it will:

  • Fight free radicals
  • Filter out unwanted toxins
  • Restore other antioxidant levels

Altogether, your body will greatly benefit by feeling cleansed and healthy.

2. Reverse Time with ALA Anti-Aging Properties

When there is an overabundance of free radicals in the body, you may experience oxidative stress, which is shown to cause inflammation and is the root of hundreds of diseases.

Not to mention, oxidative stress also links to many unwanted symptoms of the natural aging process! Here’s the good news: if you are experiencing rapid aging or stress-related symptoms such as inflammation, an Alpha Lipoic Acid IV treatment can help.

For instance, ALA can fight free radicals that damage your cells. With that being said, an ALA IV treatment can reverse the negative effects of oxidation and slow cell damage. This gives ALA very unique anti-aging properties.

3. Counteract Nerve Pain Symptoms

Finally, one of the greatest and most well-known benefits of an Alpha Lipoic Acid IV treatment is its ability to improve nerve pain.

According to several scientific studies, ALA is extremely beneficial for diabetics, especially those who suffer from high blood sugar levels and diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Furthermore, alpha-lipoic acid has healing properties that interfere with the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

The beneficial effects ALA has on the function of the body’s neurons and neural pathways have given this antioxidant much accreditation and is a very useful treatment option for those who suffer from nerve pain symptoms.


What to Expect If You Receive an Alpha Lipoic Acid Treatment

Now that you know a little bit more about the wonderful antioxidant properties of Alpha Lipoic Acid, you are probably wondering what an ALA treatment looks like.

Keep reading to learn what you can expect if you receive Alpha Lipoic Acid IV Therapy.

Alpha Lipoic Acid IV Therapy Explained

If you want to replenish your body’s natural levels of ALA, IV therapy is a great way to accomplish this goal.

This is because the intravenous route allows you to receive a much higher dose of ALA, which goes directly into your body and can synthesize immediately.

Once in the body, the powerful antioxidant triggers mitochondrial respiration and seems to have an anti-cancer effect. Not only does it work to remove unwanted toxins, but it also improves nerve pain symptoms and reduces oxidation from free radicals.

Common Results of ALA IV Therapy

After you receive your ALA IV treatment, your body will process the antioxidant and it will get to work. Depending on the reason you chose to get the IV therapy, results may vary.

For instance, ALA tends to reduce nerve pain symptoms in diabetic patients within 3-5 weeks.

Here’s the best news: since ALA is completely natural, the treatment is safe and does not harbor negative side effects.

Discover Alpha Lipoic Acid IV Therapy at WholeHealth JC

Ready to try this revolutionary IV therapy for yourself? Whether you want to use ALA IV therapy for its anti-aging properties or you are looking for a solution to resolve nerve pain, WholeHealth JC is here to give you the treatment you need.

Schedule a free consultation and receive an Alpha Lipoic Acid treatment that will benefit your personal needs.

Dr. Jen

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Do Weight Loss Clinics Work? Get All Your Questions Answered and More

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When it comes to losing weight, you’ve probably come across countless dieting fads, specially formulated “fat burner workouts,” and a variety of other trendy weight loss regimens. Unfortunately, many of these schemes don’t actually work, at least not for the long run. 

So, when it comes to medical weight loss, you’re probably wondering if these weight loss clinics actually work or if they are just another useless fad.

In this article, you will finally get all of your questions about weight loss clinics answered, including:

  • What is a medical weight loss clinic?
  • How do weight loss clinics differ from gyms?
  • What results can I expect if I decide to use a weight loss clinic?

Ready to learn all about weight loss clinics? Let’s jump right in.

What is a Medical Weight Loss Clinic & How Can it Help?

First things first, you might be wondering what exactly medical weight loss programss are and how they can help you lose weight. 

Simply put, a medical weight loss clinic is a type of health and wellness facility that uses integrative medicine and a doctor-supervised approach to weight loss. Furthermore, these clinics tend to steer away from invasive weight management procedures such as surgery. 

Typically, a medical weight loss center will use personalized workout regimens, customized nutrition plans, and specialized supplements (such as vitamin injections, IV therapy, and natural appetite suppressants) to help patients achieve their long-term weight loss and health goals.

Key Difference Between a Weight Loss Clinic and a Gym

Unlike a traditional gym or workout center, a weight loss center offers a much more fine-tuned approach to weight loss.

Instead of only providing workout advice and equipment, many weight loss centers will examine your body weight index, medical history, and even take a blood sample to get to the root of any underlying health issues. For instance, a blood sample may reveal that you are experiencing ​​a hormone imbalance that is causing your body to store more fat, making it difficult for you to get rid of it for good.

Once any underlying health issues are found, a personalized weight loss program is developed by a team of doctors, nutritionists, and personal trainers that is specific to your body’s individual needs.

weight loss clinic

When Should I Go to a Medical Weight Loss Center?

For starters, the perfect candidate for a medical weight loss program is someone who wants to see long-term weight loss results and also learn how to keep their body healthy in the long run.

If you have already tried to lose weight on your own and haven’t been very successful, then a weight loss center could be the best solution for you! Here’s why.

Experience a Whole Body Approach to Weight Loss

A good medical weight loss clinic understands that there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach to health, wellness, and weight loss. Everyone is on their own journey and has their own specific challenges to achieving their health goals.

For instance, some obstacles may include:
Genetic predispositions
Medical issues that make weight loss difficult
Hormone imbalances
Lack of proper nutrients/vitamins
And the list goes on!

With that being said, a good medical weight loss clinic looks at the body as a whole and will develop a customized approach to weight loss for each individual patient.

Nutritionist weight loss clinic

What Kind of Treatment Methods are Used?

Depending on your personal weight loss needs, some of the most common treatment methods offered at weight loss clinics include:

  • Nutrition balancing programs
  • Vitamin injections
  • Appetite suppressants
  • Personalized workout regimens

Furthermore, Weight Loss IV therapy is also used to help patients boost the vitamin and nutrient levels in their bodies, which ultimately increases metabolism and energy so you can burn more fat.

When used alongside a healthy diet and regular exercise, this IV drip drastically improves your ability to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle.

What Results Can I Expect From a Weight Loss Clinic?

Since medical weight loss centers treat each patient as an individual, results may vary on a person-to-person basis.

For instance, some patients may experience faster results than others because they might not suffer from deep underlying medical concerns like arthritis, hormone imbalances, or diabetes.

However, at the end of the day, you can trust that a good medical weight loss clinic will always keep your health and wellness in mind. With that being said, you can expect to lose the weight for good and learn how to live a healthier, happier life in the process.

How Do I Choose a Good Clinic?

When searching for the perfect weight loss center, you will want to make sure the clinic you choose has a trustworthy team of professionally-trained staff. 

For example, you should always look for a clinic that offers board certified medical professionals. Plus, you may also want to look for a clinic that has an in-house:  

  • Patient care team
  • Nutritionist
  • Nurse practitioner
  • Hormone specialist

Furthermore, before you settle on a clinic, be sure to check out patient reviews and testimonials. This can help you narrow down your search and find a clinic that is right for you.

Last but not least, most good clinics will offer you a free consultation. Always take advantage of this complimentary appointment to see if the clinic is a good fit for you.

Start Your Weight Loss Journey at Whole Health JC

So, now that you know what medical weight loss clinics are and what they can offer you, are you ready to kick-start your journey to wellness?

At Whole Health JC, you will have the opportunity to consult with Dr. Jennifer Su, who uses integrative medicine practices to help you achieve your health goals. Schedule a free consultation and discover a wide variety of medical services, IV therapy, and aesthetic medicine available to you.


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What is PRP Therapy in a PRP Facial? How Does it Restore Hair Loss?

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PRP Therapy has been around for a few years now, and the results of the treatment are stunning. Doctors and Medical Clinics have used the procedure to speed up top athletes’ recovery, treat hair loss, and rejuvenate the skin.

Over the years, word of the treatment has grown. Today, we’re going to cover what the procedure is, why it helps, and what to do after the treatment. Facial and skin treatments with PRP Therapy can help you smooth years of wrinkles or even recover thinning hair!

So how does it work?

What is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)?

Platelet Rich Plasma promotes healing where it’s applied. As the name implies, it’s mostly made from a high volume of platelets in blood plasma. Platelets naturally occur in our blood and clot to prevent bleeding. Plasma is the nutrient-rich delivery vehicle in your blood made to deliver antibodies, platelets, and blood cells. Together, the two are primarily responsible for healing and repairing the skin.

To create PRP, a doctor or clinician takes a small sample of your blood. Then, they process your blood in a machine called a centrifuge. The process helps to concentrate your platelets in one place. The doctor then further concentrates the plasma to create a supercharged version of your blood.

It helps heal the skin faster and repair old damage, but it helps create collagen in the skin. Collagen is found throughout the body and makes up roughly a third of our proteins. Collagen is what helps keep our skin looking young, and helps prevent joint pain like osteoporosis.

That is one of the main reasons that the treatment was initially used on athletes. Today, we can use it as part of skin treatments and hair restoration PRP treatments with great success.

What is a PRP Injection?

A PRP injection takes the PRP solution recently created from your blood and injects it where it’s most needed. A PRP injection is a painless procedure and is usually done as part of the last step of a process.

what is a prp injection | prp injection recovery time | prp treatments | prp therapy recovery time

Often, the purpose of the injection is to decrease recovery time and get you back to normal even faster. The injection is the last step needed to complete your PRP Therapy besides the PRP Aftercare.

The PRP Facial

A PRP Facial combines Platelet Rich Plasma with Microneedling to generate collagen growth. The procedure helps to reduce recovery time and your skin’s natural wrinkle-fighting power in three ways:

  • Creating extremely tiny marks throughout your skin to force collagen growth
  • The sharper and smaller the needle, the faster the skin will heal
  • Applying a PRP injection increases the effectiveness of healing and collagen growth

A PRP Facial typically lasts 3-6 months and takes around 2-5 days to see the first results. After that, the process helps your skin look younger, fuller, and with fewer wrinkles. Most clients come in a few times a year for the treatment, helping to increase the effectiveness and duration.

PRP Treatment For Hair Loss

Back in 2019, there were two studies regarding different forms of alopecia, a type of hair loss. The first study covered androgenetic alopecia or male pattern baldness. The other review was about the treatment being used for alopecia areata. It’s a ruthless form of hair loss caused by an autoimmune disorder that causes small, random patches to stop growing.


Both studies and many more have come to find PRP treatment for hair loss to be effective in helping to prevent more hair loss, thicken hair, and promote minor hair rejuvenation.

prp therapy for hair | prp therapy for face | prp therapy for hair loss | prp facial | hair restoration prp

To achieve quality hair rejuvenation, you would need multiple rounds of PRP treatment for hair loss. PRP can help treat the systems of hair loss, but not the root cause. These studies help show the treatment’s effectiveness.

PRP Injection Aftercare

The instructions are relatively simple; just follow the directions below:

  1. Try to avoid icing the area if possible
  2. Avoid anti-inflammatory medicine like Motrin, Advil, Ibuprofen, Aleve, Naprosyn, Naproxen, Voltaren, Diclofenac, Meloxicam, Mobic, or Celebrex.
  3. For 2-3 days after your injection, rest and avoid all activity that includes the injection site.
    1. If you received PRP Treatment for hair loss, do not wear a hat for a few days.
    2. If you received a PRP Facial, try not to rub or touch your face.
  4. You may use Tylenol (Acetaminophen) or Ultram (Tramadol) as needed for discomfort.
  5. You will be given instructions before leaving the procedure room on what sort of physical activity you may or may not engage in.

PRP Therapy Recovery Time

You’ll need to rest the injection site for 2-3 days after the procedure, and try not to reduce the swelling, as this is part of the process.

The total recovery time is about 7-9 days, but you can operate normally on day four. Don’t forget that you can call into our telehealth services post-procedure to check on complications or ask any additional questions.

Whole Health JC

Whole Health JC is a Health and Wellness Clinic located in Jefferson City, Missouri, near Columbia. The clinic is run by Dr. Jen Su, a Gynecologist and Integrative Medicine Specialist. Not only does the clinic provide PRP Treatments, but it includes post-treatments like IV Therapy and microdermabrasion.

Give us a call at 573-893-5500, or contact by form to schedule your PRP treatments today.


July 09, 2020

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Every day is a miracle. Every life is a miracle. Looking at life with this perspective let's us see tiny twinkly lights everywhere.

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