What is Integrative Medicine?
Integrative Medicine combines traditional allopathic medical training with holistic and alternative medicine.
Allopathic Medicine is focused on the study of surgery and chemical reactions and their effects on the body. This is in an effort to treat debilitating and crippling health issues.
Holistic Medicine on the other hand, focuses on the health, hormonal, emotional, and well-being of patients to improve their condition. Not only does holistic medicine focus on a better well-being, but it includes medical knowledge from many other medical trainings-- some of which are chiropractic, Ayruvedic, and Eastern medicine.
Integrative Medicine in Jefferson City MO
ALL of Integrative Medicine is evidence-based medicine. As more information about develops in the general practice of medicine, Integrative Medicine has emerged. The practice goes beyond simply treating symptoms and disease, and moves to also create a more comfortable baseline for the future.
You can learn more about the benefits and practice of Integrative Medicine in Jefferson City MO by calling (573) 893-5500 , visiting us, or scheduling your free consultation at Whole Health JC.
Free Consultation
(Aesthetics/PRP/IV Nutrient services)
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