Brand New Hair Loss Solution: What Is the Best Hair Loss Prevention in 2021

prp hair results

Hair loss affects millions of people around the world. Time and time again, science comes up with all sorts of different hair loss solutions, from hair plugs to finasteride. 

Thankfully, a new worthwhile treatment has emerged on the market that can help slow further hair loss and strengthen the hair you have. It’s a well-established therapy that is also used to treat other conditions, known as platelet rich plasma, or PRP. 

While PRP has long been used to boost healing and treat arthritis, it is now gaining notoriety as a staple of natural anti-aging remedies. 

What is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)?

Our blood is made up of two primary components:

  1.  Plasma
  2.  Red blood cells

Plasma contains white blood cells and platelets, which are full of growth factors, stimulating skin cell activity. 

PRP treatment involves taking a patient’s blood sample and processing it in a centrifuge. The red blood cells are separated as the centrifuge spins, to extract the PRP. The PRP is then injected into the patient’s scalp at the hair follicle ½ inch over the area of hair loss.

prp hair reults

PRP Growth Factors 

PRP doesn’t restore hair on its own. It has the help from rich nutrients that enhance tissue recovery and help repair damaged areas, including hair follicles.  

The PRP growth factors encouraging hair replenishment include:

  • Epidermal growth factor – stimulates keratin protein production.
  • Platelet-derived growth factor – increases collagen production to build hair proteins.
  • Transforming growth factor –increases new blood vessel growth. 

Caveat: The success of a person’s PRP treatment depends on the quality of their platelets. Someone with a low level of platelets in their plasma may not have the same result as an individual with a higher platelet level. 

What does a PRP Treatment Schedule Look Like?

For best PRP hair results, the treatment should be given once a month for a total of three treatments to maximize hair regrowth. Based on patient response, treatments then take place every three to six months.

Those receiving PRP treatments should initially notice that hair loss decreases, and should later start to experience more regrowth and longer hair. This delay of hair loss and growth spurt should take place within two to three months after the first treatment session! 

If regrowth is successful, expect to have an annual PRP injection “touch-up.” 

The procedure is considered a very safe and natural treatment, leaving out the chance of allergic reactions or adverse effects since the patient’s own blood is used. 

What are the Steps of a PRP Procedure for Hair Loss Prevention?

There are 3 steps taken in the PRP treatment process for hair loss prevention

  1. The patient’s blood is drawn by the doctor. 
  2. The blood is spun in the centrifuge. 
  3. The PRP is injected into the scalp. 

The time elapsing from the blood draw to the injection ranges from 10-15 minutes, and the injections themselves take 30-40 minutes, depending upon the amount of thinning hair.  

PRP Injection


Patients can expect to receive local anesthesia in the area of injection. If any discomfort is experienced, over-the-counter pain relievers and an ice pack go a long way to relieve soreness!

To achieve the best PRP hair results, it is important to avoid any processing or heat treatments on hair, as well as sun exposure. Also, avoid strenuous exercise and alcohol for 48 hours post-treatment! 

PRP Treatment Advantages

For hair loss prevention, PRP possesses several advantages over other therapies. The procedure is short and seamless, as no surgery is involved with a PRP treatment. Additionally, because PRP treatments use your platelets and plasma you do not have to worry about compatibility issues and the risk of rejection. 

Another amazing benefit is that no sedation is necessary. Patients are completely free to go post-procedure and there is no downtime needed!

PRP Hair Results

Now you may be wondering about the results of PRP. Common questions we get are:

  • How long does it take PRP to work?
  • How long does PRP last?

Well, results from her PRP procedures start working in about 3 days and maximum results are in 3 months. The results typically last up to about 18 months but there have been reporting of effects lasting up to 2 years.

Check With Your Doctor to See if PRP is Right for You!

Before starting any treatment, it is always important to consult with a doctor to see if it is safe for you. 

Most importantly, choose a clinic you trust! Whole Health JC  is a Health and Wellness Clinic led by Dr. Jen Su, a Gynecologist and Integrative Medicine Specialist. Our mission is to provide top-notch care to help you live a happy healthy life!

Dr. Jen

March 10, 2022

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Does Botox® Hurt? Answering Your Frequently Asked Questions About Botox®

How long does Botox last

“Does Botox® hurt?” is one of the most common concerns people have before making an appointment.

Sadly misconceptions surrounding Botox® often deter interested men and women.

So, we are here to answer questions about the process and aftercare:

Does Botox® hurt?
What can I expect during a Botox® appointment?
What is the Botox® aftercare process?
How long does Botox® last?

Let’s dive into everything you need to know about Botox® so you can walk into your appointment with confidence.

What is Botox®?

Botox® is a purified neurotoxin that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved for cosmetic use in 2002. Botox® temporarily freezes the facial muscle it is injected into to stop the formation or progression of wrinkles and fine lines.

This may sound intimidating, however, this is a completely safe procedure and very few patients have adverse reactions.

Botox® has many benefits in addition to aesthetics such as treating:

  • Chronic migraine
  • Spasms
  • Excessive armpit sweating

Although Botox® has amazing results many don’t get to benefit from it because of their concerns. This brings us to our next question.

Does Botox® Hurt?

Botox for Men

Many people assume that Botox® is a painful procedure because needles are involved. However, the needle used to administer Botox® is so small that most people report feeling a slight pinch or stinging sensation. Botox® needles are typically 30-gauge, which is the same size used for insulin injections.

At Whole Health JC, we offer our patients a topical numbing cream that can make each injection feel virtually painless. We also make every effort to ensure you are as comfortable as can be before we begin. Simply calming your mind and relaxing your body can help significantly reduce the perception of pain.

What Can I Expect During a Botox® Appointment?

What to expect during a Botox appointment

You may hear a slight popping sound when the needle punctures your skin. If this sounds like something that would make you uncomfortable, you can always ask your Botox® Professional if you can listen to music during your appointment. Either way, this discomfort will come and go in a matter of seconds.

You may also notice that the Botox® forms small bumps under the injection site. Not to worry – these will flatten as the Botox® makes its way through your muscles and is absorbed by your body. They should disappear by the time you leave your appointment.

A Quick and Simple Process

A Botox® appointment is so quick that you could fit it into your lunch break! Your Botox® professional should be able to complete the entire process in a matter of minutes. That being said, you may want to take the afternoon off if you’re concerned about returning to work with slight redness or swelling.

Overall the process of receiving your Botox® injection can be a stress-free process that is also fast and simple.

Fun fact: Botox may even reduce anxiety according to new data from the FDA in 2021. Additionally, patients gave feedback that they felt calmer and more stress-free after receiving Botox®.

What to Do (& Not to Do) After Botox® – The Botox® Aftercare Process

You will be provided with aftercare instructions that are specifically designed to help your Botox® settle into your muscles well and remain there for a maximum amount of time.

However, you may be wondering what the Botox® aftercare process actually entails.

After Care Do’s and Don’ts

The Botox® aftercare process is simple, but it’s also the key to reducing potential side effects and keeping you comfortable after your appointment. Here are the most important steps you can take to ensure a smooth post-Botox® process.

Avoid Physical Activity

It’s highly recommended to avoid any physical activity for at least 6 hours after your Botox® appointment. Any physical activity could increase bruising at the injection site. You should also refrain from taking ibuprofen (or any other blood-thinning medication), tilting your head forward, and touching your face.

Don’t Wear Makeup

You will also want to refrain from wearing makeup for at least 24-hours, so you don’t risk infecting the injection site. Alcohol may also increase your chances of bruising, so avoid consuming any alcoholic beverages for 24-hours, too.

Avoid Direct Contact With Sunlight

Protecting your skin from the sun after Botox

You should avoid any direct contact with the sun for at least 4 hours after your appointment and wear a wide-brimmed hat if you have to be outside. Sleep on a clean pillowcase and do your best to sleep on your back.

Modify Your Skincare Routine

Talk to your doctor about which skincare products you use to see if you should avoid using them for a day or two. You can certainly expect to avoid exfoliating products!

Side Effects

Botox® side effects may include redness, swelling, bruising, or pain at the injection site – if you do experience these symptoms, they should subside in a few hours. If you experience these symptoms and they do not go away after 48-hours, it’s recommended to contact your doctor.

Amazing Results

The Botox® will start to take effect over the next few days to weeks. Don’t panic when you don’t see results the next day! It’s completely normal to still have a full range of motion, which means you will still notice your wrinkles and fine lines. Your face will start to firm up over time, and you should be very pleased with the results when it does.

For many people, Botox® can make them look and feel years younger, but how long can you expect these results to last?

How Long Does Botox® Last?

Does Botox Hurt

On average, Botox® lasts for three to four months. Of course, results will vary from person to person.

One of the great things about Botox® is that it can help prevent the formation of fine lines and wrinkles while smoothing out existing ones. Because your facial muscles are unable to move for a few months (or years, if you make regular Botox® appointments), your skin does not create permanent folds.

Therefore, Botox® can result in life-long, youthful-looking skin if administered early enough and maintained regularly.

Restore Your Youth with Botox® Treatment

Overall Botox® is a stress-free process and helps to reduce future signs of aging if done early enough. Understanding the variety of uses that Botox® has can help you determine if this treatment is right for you. At Whole Health JC, we understand why you may have concerns about Botox®, but we’re here to make the process as simple and painless as possible.

If you’re interested in receiving a Botox injection treatment, we’re here to help you decide on the best treatment option for you.

Dr. Jen

March 07, 2022

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What Happens if You Don’t Take Estrogen After a Hysterectomy?

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While getting a hysterectomy can help solve many serious medical issues it can also come with a price. If you are feeling tired or depressed after a hysterectomy you’re not alone.

Many women experience negative symptoms of low estrogen after getting a hysterectomy such as sexual discomfort or mood swings.

Luckily, you do not have to live with these negative symptoms.

In this article, we will explain the symptoms of low estrogen after a hysterectomy and what you can do to treat it.

Let’s dive in.

What is a Hysterectomy?

A hysterectomy is when a doctor performs a surgical procedure to remove a woman’s uterus, also known as a womb. After a hysterectomy women no longer have menstrual periods or are able to become pregnant.

Many women who get a hysterectomy also get an oophorectomy during the procedure. This is when they surgically remove the ovaries. Nearly half of American women who have had a hysterectomy have also had their ovaries removed during the same surgery.

symptoms of low estrogen after hysterectomy

Types of Hysterectomies

There are three main types of hysterectomies:

  • Supracervical, or subtotal, hysterectomy – removes the upper part of the uterus
  • Total hysterectomy – removes uterus and cervix
  • Radical hysterectomy – removes auteur, tissue, cervix, and the top of the vagina.

Additionally, your doctor may also recommend removing your fallopian tubes in a procedure called salpingectomy. This procedure is where your uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes are removed.

The type of hysterectomy your surgeon performs will depend on the cause and what they think would be best for your desired outcome.

Causes for a Hysterectomy

There are several reasons a doctor may recommend getting a hysterectomy including:

  • Cancer of the uterus or ovaries
  • Uterine fibroids – benign lumps on a uterus that causes bleeding and pain
  • Uterine prolapse – when the uterus slides out of its usual position
  • Endometriosis – when tissues grow outside of the uterus that is meant to be inside
  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding – bleeding that occurs between periods
  • Chronic pelvic pain – pain in lower abdomen/pelvis that lasts at least 6 months
  • Adenomyosis – uterus inner lining thickening and breaking through muscle walls

If you are experiencing any of these health problems contact a doctor to see if you should get a hysterectomy.

What Happens After a Hysterectomy?

Hormones are essential for key brain functions. When you remove your uterus and ovaries, you are no longer producing hormones at the necessary level. Your ovaries make the most estrogen in your body so an oophorectomy causes a large drop.

Depending on the type of hysterectomy you get your side effects may vary. When you get a subtotal hysterectomy you’re still producing hormones, just at a lower level.

The loss of hormones can affect your:

  • Mood
  • Metabolism
  • Growth
  • Reproduction
  • Sexual health

It is important to understand what symptoms to look out for to determine if you are experiencing low levels of estrogen.

Symptoms of Low Estrogen After Hysterectomy

Some symptoms that you may experience after a hysterectomy are not treatable. However, if you start to experience symptoms due to a hysterectomy you may want to take action to address low estrogen. Treating your hormonal imbalance early on you can prevent more serious symptoms from forming.

symptoms of low estrogen after hysterectomy

Some symptoms you may experience from low estrogen can include:

  • Hot flashes
  • Vaginal discomfort
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Early menopause
  • Memory loss
  • Muscle weakness

Not only that but lack of estrogen can also cause serious long-term effects.

Alzheimer’s Caused By Lack of Brain-Nourishing Hormones

One study found that women who removed their ovaries before 40 and did not receive hormone replacement therapy (HRT) have double the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

This is because the sex hormone, estrogen, binds together with a receptor in your brain reducing the production of the protein amyloid-beta. This causes plaque to form on the brain of those with Alzheimer’s.

Hormone Therapy Balances Hormone

Hormone therapy, specifically estrogen therapy, can help reduce symptoms of low estrogen after a hysterectomy. It is especially recommended to women in their 20-40’s who had the procedure and have not started menopause.

What is Estrogen Therapy?


symptoms of low estrogen after hysterectomy

Estrogen therapy is when a doctor prescribed estrogen to replace your naturally produced estrogen. The treatment can come in the form of a cream or pill. The level of estrogen in a dose also varies depending on your body’s hormonal needs.

Depending on the treatment plan you determine with your doctor you may need to take multiple doses.

Too much estrogen is also not good for you, so talking to a doctor and getting tested is important.

Tip: In caring for your sexual health, you should also consider abnormal pap smear testing.

Benefits of Estrogen HRT

With hormone therapy, you can improve your sexual health and overall well-being. For some, it can help reduce the side effects of early menopause.

symptoms of low estrogen after hysterectomy

When you have just gotten a hysterectomy to improve your health the last thing you want is to experience more health issues.

Hormone replacement therapy can help balance your hormone levels which can:

  • Strengthen bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis
  • Decrease hot flashes
  • Reduces risk of gum disease
  • Improves sleep
  • Prevents vaginal dryness and soreness
  • Slows loss of skin collagen

Additionally, bioidentical hormone replacement can help reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s.

Balance Your Estrogen Levels With Whole Health

If you are experiencing symptoms of low estrogen after getting a hysterectomy, Whole Health JC can offer treatment options.

Dr. Jen will start with a comprehensive visit with you during which your hormone levels will be tested either through drawing your blood or by saliva testing. This will help determine if estrogen treatment is necessary.

You will receive a customized hormone replacement treatment to give your body what it needs.

At Whole Health JC, we do not use a commercially-branded bioidentical hormone replacement and instead use Tolson Drug Apothecary which will compound your unique hormone cream or prescribe traditional hormone replacement.

Visit our website or call us at 573-893-5500 for a free consultation.

Dr. Jen

January 14, 2022

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Your Guide to the O-Shot®: What is the O-Shot® & How long Does the O-Shot® Last?

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Do you struggle with sexual dysfunction? Do you get frustrated during sexual experiences due to discomfort or inconsistent orgasms?

Nearly half of all women experience problems with sex. That’s a lot! But due to stigma surrounding sex and fear of treatment most women do not seek help.

So, in this article, we want to help to destigmatize sexual health treatment by answering a few questions we often get about one of our main treatments, the O-Shot®. Some of the questions we will address include:

  • What is the O-Shot®?
  • How long does the O-Shot® last?
  • What to expect when you get the O-Shot®

Let’s begin with the basics.

What is The O-Shot®?

The O-Shot®, also known as the orgasm shot, is a non-surgical, drug-free, medical treatment. It is a type of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment with platelets that were extracted from your blood. These platelets contain proteins called growth factors that have healing properties.

Similar PRP treatments have been used for years to treat athletes’ injuries and hair loss. It can improve female sexual health by creating blood vessels and nerves and revitalizing vaginal function.

Now, let’s dive into some of the questions we often get asked about the O-Shot®.

Where is The O-Shot® Injected?

The O-Shot is injected with a very small needle in the clitoris, labia, and G spot. But don’t worry, patients have very little to no discomfort. In fact, the most people feel is usually a slight pinch.

So what are the benefits of The O-Shot®?

What Does The O-Shot® Treat?

As you can tell from its name, the O-Shot® is used to improve female orgasms. But while that is a great benefit there are also other things you can use the O-Shot® to treat.

how long does the benefits of the O-shot last

With the O-Shot, you can expect improved sexual functions such as:

  • Improved vaginal sensitivity
  • Increased arousal and desire
  • Improved lubrication
  • Heightened and more consistent orgasms
  • Tighter vaginal skin
  • Decreased vaginal pain during intercourse

Additionally, it can help other medical conditions such as:

  • Lichen sclerosis – a skin condition that causes womens’ vulva skin to be thin
  • Lichen planus – rash on the skin from a poor immune system
  • Interstitial cystitis – inflammation of the bladder lining

Now that you understand the benefits of the O-Shot®, let’s discuss more of the details of the treatment.

How Long Does the O-Shot® Last?

The question of how long does O-Shot® last is one we get often. The procedure takes around 20-30 minutes, and the results can last up to two years.

Some begin feeling improved sensation as early as 3 weeks. It takes about 3 weeks for the new tissue to begin to develop and will reach its peak benefits at 3 months.

For best results, we recommend having a follow-up around 6 months to a year after your initial treatment. Additionally, annual injections are recommended to maintain the benefits of the O-Shot®.

How Much is The O-Shot®?

The O-Shot® costs anywhere from $1,000 to $2,000. The price typically depends on where you get the treatment. With the O-Shot® only being FDA-approved for certain treatments, check with your insurance company about coverage.

Some of the treatments typically covered include ones to treat diabetic ulcers that are resistant to other treatments.

Who is the O-Shot® for?

So now you may be wondering if you are someone who could benefit from the O-Shot®. Many assume that the difficulties they experience during sex are something that is normal and they have to live with.

If you experience any of the listed symptoms below you may want to discuss treatment with your physician.

People who can benefit from the O-Shot® include those that suffer from:

  • Accidents
  • Peeing yourself when you wait too long
  • Low sexual desire
  • Difficulty being aroused
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Trouble reaching orgasm
  • Painful sex
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Lichen Sclerosus

Meet with a doctor to determine if the O-Shot® procedure is right for you.

Next, let’s discuss the process of the O-Shot® procedure.

What to Expect When You Get The O-Shot®

Sometimes fear comes from not knowing what to expect. To relieve any possible hesitation due to concern, we will walk you through the typical process.

So what can you expect to happen during the treatment?

First blood will be drawn, but don’t be scared the blood is taken from your arm.

Then, a specialist will extract the platelet-rich plasma by placing the blood into a centrifuge.

Your physician will then ask you to remove your clothes covering your bottom half.

Before proceeding with the treatment, a numbing cream will be applied to the area.

Finally, the PRP will be injected by the doctor.

how long does the O-Shot® last

Best of all there is no downtime so you can go back to your day as usual, and can even have sex the day of.

Side Effects to Expect

While there haven’t been many side effects reported for the O-Shot there are some side effects that have been associated with PRP treatment.

Possible side effects patients may experience from the O-Shot may include:

  • Swelling in the vagina
  • Constant vaginal wetness
  • Spot bleeding
  • Scar tissue
  • Spontaneous orgasm
  • Sexual arousal with urination
  • Redness at the injection site
  • An overactive sex drive
  • Bruising
  • Vaginal sensitivity

While side effects may occur there are no long-term complications that have been reported. If you begin to feel any adverse side effects such as fever, bleeding, or severe swelling, contact your medical provider

Get the O-Shot® with Whole Health JC

You do not need to live with sexual dysfunction or pain during intercourse. The O-Shot® can help to improve your sexual experiences and your relationships.

Ready to rejuvenate your sex life? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Jen, a qualified gynecologist, to discuss the O-Shot® treatment.

She will ask you questions about your sexual health to make sure you get the perfect treatment.

Visit our website or call 573-893-5500 to get a free consultation to see if the O-Shot® is right for you.

Dr. Jen

December 21, 2021

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How You Can Relieve Anxiety with IV Therapy

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At least 40 million adults in the U.S. struggle with anxiety disorders, yet less than 40% seek treatment. So, why do so many people not seek help?

For some, it is because they do not realize they have an anxiety disorder. While others do not know about the different types of treatment options available.

In this article, we will discuss what an anxiety disorder is, what IV therapy is, and why IV therapy can be the perfect solution to treat anxiety.

What is an Anxiety Disorder?

While most people experience feelings of stress, nervousness, and anxiety during challenging times in their lives, an anxiety disorder is different. Those with a true anxiety disorder experience uncontrollable, sometimes debilitating anxiety symptoms such as panic attacks, nausea, and episodes of rapid breathing and increased heart rate.

anxiety disorder

There are several types of anxiety disorders, including:

  • Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) – chronic anxiety without always a cause
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) – anxiety that develops after a traumatic event
  • Panic disorder – recurring and unexpected panic attacks
  • Social anxiety disorder – fear of being in social situations and being judged
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) – recurring irrational thoughts, fixations, and obsessions
  • Separation anxiety disorder – fear of being separated from someone close to you

While some of these fears may occur at times, those with a disorder have excessive and uncontrollable anxiety and can be overwhelmed by the symptoms.

Common Symptoms of Anxiety

While there are multiple different types of anxiety disorders, the symptoms usually present themselves in the same way.

For starters, common mental symptoms include:

  • Feeling of nervousness
  • Sense of impending doom
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Difficulty concentrating

On the other hand, physical symptoms may present themselves as the following:

  • Hyperventilating
  • Sweating
  • Dry mouth
  • Feeling faint or dizzy
  • Increased heart rate
  • Hot flashes
  • Migraines
  • Nausea

While some experience anxiety over a new job or finances. Those with an anxiety disorder do not always know why they are experiencing anxiety.

relieve anxiety

What Causes Anxiety?

There are many reasons someone may have an anxiety disorder and experience anxiety.

It can be due to:

  • Trauma
  • Medical conditions
  • Chronic stress
  • Family genetics

Here’s the problem: With so many people not knowing the differences between everyday nervousness and an anxiety disorder, most do not seek treatment.

Now that you understand the basics of anxiety disorders, let’s talk about IV therapy and how it can help alleviate anxiety symptoms.

what is IV therapy used for

What is IV Therapy?

IV therapy, or intravenous therapy, is the act of delivering fluids through a catheter directly into your bloodstream.

It is a quick process usually taking from 30 minutes to an hour and you can typically feel the effects immediately. IV therapy is practically painless with patients often only feeling a slight pinch.

You may be wondering, why should I get IV therapy as opposed to getting prescription medication? Keep reading to find out.

IV Therapy is Better Than Oral Medication

There are several reasons people are turning to IV therapy over standard prescription oral medications. Here are a few:

Bioavailability – Using this method you can absorb the minerals faster and at a greater amount by going directly into your bloodstream and bypassing your digestive system.

Convenience – IV therapy is a quick and painless process that involves no downtime while still producing benefits almost immediately.

Hydration – Did you know that about 75% of Americans are dehydrated? While there are a lot of vitamins and minerals in IVs, a majority of the fluid is saline which helps to hydrate you quickly.

Customization – There are many types of IV therapies available so you are able to pick the perfect combination of vitamins for your needs.

Now that you understand the growing popularity of IV therapy, let’s discuss its benefits.

What is IV Therapy Used For?

IV therapy is used by doctors in a wide range of treatments. The vitamins and minerals in the IV fluids help to balance your body’s natural levels, which lead to many health benefits.

Depending on the vitamins and minerals used, IV therapy can help:

  • Relieve hangovers
  • Strengthen immune system
  • Advance athletic performance
  • Improve metabolism
  • Restore energy
  • Alleviate anxiety and depression

As you can see, there are never-ending benefits to IV therapy. To dive even deeper, let’s discuss how IV therapy can relieve anxiety.

what is Iv therapy for anxiety

How Can IV Therapy Relieve Anxiety?

While it may take a while to see the effects of ordinary oral medication, IV therapy can help you see benefits almost immediately. While it is not a cure to the disorder, IV therapy can relieve many of the symptoms caused by anxiety for a period of time.

One type of IV therapy, known as the Quick Calming IV, is a great treatment for those who suffer from an anxiety disorder.

The Anti-Anxiety IV: Key Components of Quick Calming IV

For starters, the Quick Calming IV is a great option for those trying to reduce cases of anxiety and/or depression. Not only that but it stifles the onset of age-related memory loss because of the ingredients found in the IV itself.

This IV infusion has:

  • GABA – the powerful amino acid, Glutamic helps with muscle relaxation, decreases anxiety, as well as helps with sleep
  • Taurine – an essential amino acid that helps with relaxation, and has a detoxifying effect as well as improves metabolism
  • Theanine – an amino acid that promotes mental as well as physical relaxation that relieves stress and anxiety while increasing focus
  • Vitamin B12 – methylcobalamin helps with your metabolism as well as nerve and immune function
  • Magnesium – relaxation mineral that helps with neurochemical transmissions and preventing migraines

This mixture of vitamins and minerals helps alleviate both mental and physical symptoms of anxiety.

Relieve Your Anxiety With Whole Health JC

Try our anti-anxiety Quick Calm IV with Dr. Jennifer Su at Whole Health JC and see its amazing benefits first-hand.

Dr. Jennifer Su specializes in integrative medicine and offers several variations of IV therapy for her patients. Contact 573-893-5500 to schedule a free consultation today to see if the Quick Calm IV therapy is right for you.

Dr. Jen

October 15, 2021

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hyaluronic acid treater after photo

Referred to as the “universal antioxidant,” Alpha Lipoic Acid is a strong compound proven to naturally remove toxins from the body and improve metabolism. Nowadays, you can receive an Alpha Lipoic Acid treatment to replenish antioxidant levels in your body and reduce nerve pain.

So, what exactly is Alpha Lipoic Acid, and is it safe to use as an IV treatment?

In this ultimate guide to Alpha Lipoic Acid, learn why this antioxidant is so special, discover 3 key benefits of an Alpha Lipoic Acid treatment, and explore the results you can expect to see after treatment.

Let’s get started.

What is Alpha Lipoic Acid?

At its core, Alpha Lipoic Acid, or ALA for short, is a powerful antioxidant naturally found in many of the foods we eat. For instance, one can find trace amounts of the compound in vegetables, roots, and fruits, including:

  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Carrots
  • Tomatoes
  • Beets
  • Yams
  • Potatoes

Alpha Lipoic Acid Treatment

When we consume ALA, our body synthesizes it, and it goes straight to work with our mitochondria. Once there, it helps perform a multitude of metabolic processes that are vital to the body, such as cellular damage prevention and metabolism regulation.

Due to its robust yet natural properties, ALA is safe to use as an IV treatment.

So, why should you consider an Alpha Lipoic Acid treatment?

3 Benefits of an Alpha Lipoic Acid Treatment

When it comes to ALA IV treatments, the benefits go far beyond just an improved metabolism. From natural healing properties to toxin removal, here are the top 3 benefits that ALA provides your body.

1. Feel the Healing Power of Antioxidants

In simple terms, an antioxidant is a molecule that combats free radicals that cause harm to your body. Antioxidants are key in targeting and fighting these free radicals to keep your body in equilibrium.

An Alpha Lipoic Acid treatment quickly replenishes the amount of ALA in your body. Once the antioxidant is readily present for use, it will:

  • Fight free radicals
  • Filter out unwanted toxins
  • Restore other antioxidant levels

Altogether, your body will greatly benefit by feeling cleansed and healthy.

2. Reverse Time with ALA Anti-Aging Properties

When there is an overabundance of free radicals in the body, you may experience oxidative stress, which is shown to cause inflammation and is the root of hundreds of diseases.

Not to mention, oxidative stress also links to many unwanted symptoms of the natural aging process! Here’s the good news: if you are experiencing rapid aging or stress-related symptoms such as inflammation, an Alpha Lipoic Acid IV treatment can help.

For instance, ALA can fight free radicals that damage your cells. With that being said, an ALA IV treatment can reverse the negative effects of oxidation and slow cell damage. This gives ALA very unique anti-aging properties.

3. Counteract Nerve Pain Symptoms

Finally, one of the greatest and most well-known benefits of an Alpha Lipoic Acid IV treatment is its ability to improve nerve pain.

According to several scientific studies, ALA is extremely beneficial for diabetics, especially those who suffer from high blood sugar levels and diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Furthermore, alpha-lipoic acid has healing properties that interfere with the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

The beneficial effects ALA has on the function of the body’s neurons and neural pathways have given this antioxidant much accreditation and is a very useful treatment option for those who suffer from nerve pain symptoms.


What to Expect If You Receive an Alpha Lipoic Acid Treatment

Now that you know a little bit more about the wonderful antioxidant properties of Alpha Lipoic Acid, you are probably wondering what an ALA treatment looks like.

Keep reading to learn what you can expect if you receive Alpha Lipoic Acid IV Therapy.

Alpha Lipoic Acid IV Therapy Explained

If you want to replenish your body’s natural levels of ALA, IV therapy is a great way to accomplish this goal.

This is because the intravenous route allows you to receive a much higher dose of ALA, which goes directly into your body and can synthesize immediately.

Once in the body, the powerful antioxidant triggers mitochondrial respiration and seems to have an anti-cancer effect. Not only does it work to remove unwanted toxins, but it also improves nerve pain symptoms and reduces oxidation from free radicals.

Common Results of ALA IV Therapy

After you receive your ALA IV treatment, your body will process the antioxidant and it will get to work. Depending on the reason you chose to get the IV therapy, results may vary.

For instance, ALA tends to reduce nerve pain symptoms in diabetic patients within 3-5 weeks.

Here’s the best news: since ALA is completely natural, the treatment is safe and does not harbor negative side effects.

Discover Alpha Lipoic Acid IV Therapy at WholeHealth JC

Ready to try this revolutionary IV therapy for yourself? Whether you want to use ALA IV therapy for its anti-aging properties or you are looking for a solution to resolve nerve pain, WholeHealth JC is here to give you the treatment you need.

Schedule a free consultation and receive an Alpha Lipoic Acid treatment that will benefit your personal needs.

Dr. Jen

September 02, 2021

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Derma Fillers – The Ultimate Guide for Types, Benefits, and Results


As we age with time, sometimes we start to lose features that give us the youthful look of vitality. Luckily for the ladies of the 21st century, we have found a few minimally invasive cosmetic procedures that really do defy the progression of aging. 

The secret beauty weapon? An injectable treatment known as derma fillers.




In the 2019 global report released by Allergan, the global aesthetic market will surpass $26.53 billion by 2024. This is impart due to the amazing anti-aging affects of injectables such as derma fillers.

So, what are derma fillers, what are their benefits, and what can you expect after treatment? If you have been itching for answers to see if facial fillers are right for you, stay tuned as we evaluate all aspects of derma fillers.

Let’s get started. 

What Are Derma Fillers?


Derma fillers are colorless gels that get injected just below the surface of the skin to provide volume and eliminate wrinkles. Over a million people every year choose filler injection as a way to skip the hassle of surgeries and downtime!

But what exactly are in face fillers and are they safe to use?

Derma Filler Ingredients: 4 Different Formulas Explained


Just like most anti-aging treatments, you have options when it comes to the types of injectables you and your physician decide to proceed with. First, let’s discuss the 4 main types of injectables and how they differ from one another. 

1. Hyaluronic Acid

In many ways, Hyaluronic acid is considered the gold-standard of wrinkle filler injectables, as it is the active ingredient in Juvederm

Hyaluronic acid is a natural-occurring compound in the body and helps the cells retain moisture, giving your skin that dewy plump look of youth. Hyaluronic acid smooths fine lines and wrinkles, contains antioxidant properties and gives a very natural look.


derma filelrs hyaluronic acid


Juvederm is considered the superior hyaluronic filler, with its seal of approval from the FDA. 

2. Calcium Hydroxylapatite


Considered another well-studied filler, this compound is often used for mild to severe wrinkling and facial volume loss. 

Calcium Hydroxylapatite is naturally-occurring in the bones and helps to stimulate collagen production. Its consistency is a little bit thicker than that of hyaluronic acid and the results usually last approximately 12 months. 

3. Poly-L-Lactic Acid


Poly-L-Lactic Acid is a biodegradable synthetic substance. It is a little bit less natural than the previous two wrinkle fillers, but it still helps build up collagen and smooths fine lines and wrinkles

This treatment is different from the other two, as the compound actually dissolves within a few days but starts to stimulate collagen production in the months to come.

It is considered a permanent treatment, and can also help the healing of acne scarring. 

4. Polymethylmethacrylate


Another synthetic biocompatible substance on the market is Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA). Over the last century, this has been the common treatment used. PMMA fillers form tiny balls under the skin for long-lasting support to give the look of a full face.


When a permanent solution to wrinkles is desired, PMMA fillers are often chosen.


So now that you know about the different types of fillers, let’s look at some of the benefits and what you can expect with a standard procedure!

Experience the Benefits of Filler Injections


There is a nice long list of derma filler benefits and any of the “problem areas” you are looking to fix cosmetically, these injectables can likely serve as a solution!




Here’s how filler injections can benefit you: 

  • Smooth smiles lines and wrinkles 
  • Improve facial symmetry
  • Decrease chin creases
  • Give lips volume
  • Erase vertical lip lines
  • Plump up sunken cheeks

Not only can you find physical benefits of dermal fillers, but they can also improve mental help by giving back a sense of confidence and security!

Find Results That Last


Generally speaking, the results of derma fillers can last anywhere from 1-2 years, depending on the extensiveness of the treatment. 


For optimal results, followup appointments for touch-up treatments are best to be scheduled at the one-year mark of the previous treatment. Based on the analysis of your physician, an annual touchup is usually the standard treatment protocol.

How to Choose the Right Derma Filler Injection For Best Results


Each of these filler ingredients have their own specific uses, benefits, and results. Therefore, to choose the right filler for you is a very bio-individual situation. 


For instance, each filler will consist of different textures, thickness, and depth of injections. Certain fillers will work better on deeper wrinkle regions while others work best for fine lines and light cosmetic touch-ups. 


When it comes to ___, Juvederm… Since Juvederm uses the naturally-occurring hyaluronic acid in its formula, patients can expect this treatment to…  


Ultimately, it is always best to consult a physician to discuss which derma filler will be best for you, based on the cosmetic work you are looking to have done!  

derma fillers ultimate guide

Find an Expert Doctor You Can Trust

At Whole Health JC, Inc. Dr. Jen uses the FDA-approved hyaluronic acid gel derma fillers, Juvaderm®XC. She combines Juvaderm®XC with PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma—YOUR OWN PRP) in a combo procedure called the Vampire Facelift®.  This is a nonsurgical, drug-free procedure that immediately gives you a natural and younger “lift”. 


There is no downtime, no surgery, no medications, results are immediate with maximum results occurring in 3 months and these results last up to a year and a half.  

Book a free consultation with our expert team!

Dr. Jen

May 26, 2021

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Juvederm: How Long Does it Last and What Can I Expect?


As we get older, our faces tend to lose their youthful fullness and glow. While it’s no surprise to any of us women, we are still always on the mission to give a little extra love to the skin that has served us so well all of these years.

That’s why many women today are turning to Juvederm fillers for plump lips, full cheeks and a youthful, wrinkle-free smile! But the pressing question many women have is: how long does Juvederm last and what should I expect before and after a Juvederm treatment?

In this blog, we are going to answer all of your pressing questions about Juvederm treatments, including how long does Juvederm last!

First, let’s explain what Juvederm actually is.

What is Juvederm?

Juvederm is one of the most popular filler injections that many aesthetic doctors turn to, and with good reason! Juvederm is a more natural solution that treats the signs of aging.

From volumizing lips to sculpting hollow areas of the cheeks, Juvederm is a versatile injection with a wide variety of uses! There’s one ingredient in particular that makes it so special: hyaluronic acid.

Juvederm’s Secret Ingredient: Hyaluronic Acid

Juvederm filler contains a sterile gel form of hyaluronic acid, which is considered the active ingredient. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring sugar found in your body that helps to plump and hydrate skin.

With the FDA’s seal of approval, it is a safe and effective ingredient that you can trust when it comes to Juvederm!

Now, let’s talk about the treatment itself.

How long does Juvederm last?

Here’s the short answer: it depends. There is a list of factors that can affect how long Juvederm lasts! Keep reading to learn more.

Where You Receive Injections Matter

When it comes to Juvederm, lasting results vary depending on which part of your face received the filler.

For instance, the lips have a lot of mobility, subjecting them first to fine lines and wrinkles. Since the lips are more expressive than other regions of the face, Juvederm’s effects can be shorter lived.

Conversely, if the treatment is injected in a more static region like the cheeks, then the Juvederm injections will last longer.

A good rule of thumb is making a follow-up appointment 12 months after your first treatment!


Juvaderm before & after Whole Health


What does a Juvederm treatment protocol look like?

Think of the initial Juvederm treatment as the full package that sets you up for long-lasting results. Once that first injection begins to be metabolized by the body months later, the results begin to fade and it’s time for another appointment.

As soon as you notice your treatment beginning to wear off, you can go in for an upkeep treatment. These are typically lower CC injections than your initial treatment and are meant to keep your look natural.


Cost of Juvaderm Whole Health

How Long Does Treatment Take?

Treatments are typically very fast and efficient, depending on what you are having done! A Juvederm treatment session can last anywhere from 15-60 minutes, depending on the facial region of the filler.

For example, the skin between your eyebrows is usually a faster appointment than a lip treatment.

It’s best to schedule your free consultation so you can speak with Dr. Jen and get the answers to the questions you have.


how long does juvaderm take (Whole Health)

Are Juvederm injections painful?

Here’s the good news: Juvederm products actually contain the local anesthetic, lidocaine, which will help ease any pain or discomfort during the procedure!
However, like most injections, it’s not unusual for there to be slight discomfort around the treatment area.
If you are hesitant about injections, you should discuss with Dr. Jen about numbing the treatment site prior to the procedure. Our team at Whole Health JC can best guide you on what to expect.


expectations of Juvaderm procedure Whole Health

What can I expect after the procedure?

While there is no downtime after the procedure, it’s still a good idea to take it easy for 24 hours and avoid the following:

Vigorous exercise
Heat /sun
Heavy makeup
These various activities could bring about unwanted inflammation and cause some discomfort in the treatment areas. If any swelling occurs, use an ice pack to sooth the region. Ask your physician how long you should wait to apply makeup after the Juvederm procedure.


Juvaderm Feel Young Again

Experience a Youthful, Glowing Face with Whole Health JC

At Whole Health JC, Dr. Jen combines Juvederm®XC with PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma—from your own blood!) in a combo procedure called the Vampire Facelift®.

This is a nonsurgical, drug-free procedure that immediately gives you a natural and younger “lift”. And the best part? There is no downtime, no surgery, no medications, and results are immediate with maximum results occurring in 3 months. When you receive a Vampire Facial, your results last up to a year and a half!

At Whole Health JC, we want to give you the youthful stunning results you desire in the most holistic way possible. Call now to schedule your free consultation.


Dr. Jen

April 28, 2021

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